8- The search begins

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After Chabashira-sensei's announcement, every student started sharing their opinions about the matter.

Ike: "Man, isn't Sudo just the worst?"

And you are supposed to be his friend?

"If we lose points because of Sudo, will we be at zero again this month?"

Everyone was visibly annoyed and things started to get out of hand. If we didn't get any points that month, Sudo would become the target of everyone's frustation. Of course, Kushida wouldn't let that happen.

Kushida: "Everyone, can you please listen to what I have to say?" She stood and tried to calm the commotion.

Kushida: "What our teacher said seems to be true. Sudo-kun may have been in a fight. However, Sudo-kun was dragged into it."

"Kushida-chan, what do you mean? Do you believe Sudo?"

Kushida shared the story that Sudo told us the day before to the whole class. Most of the class listened to her in silence. If Sudo or I had tried to explain the situation in the same manner, we wouldn't have gotten the same result at all. However, not everyone in the class believed the story, after all, it was Sudo who we were talking about.

Kushida: "I'd like to ask you all again. If anyone knows someone who saw what happened, whether it's someone in class, a friend, or an upperclassman, please tell me. You can contact me at any time. I would sincerely appreciate it."

Even though she'd bassically say the same thing as Chabashira-sensei, the class had a very different response. She had an innate ability to connect with people. At moments like that, I was really glad to have her around.

However, some people weren't fully convinced yet.

"Kushida-chan, are you sure that Sudo is innocent? I saw him grab a kid by the collar just because they bumped into each other in the hallway." One of my classmates said.

"I saw him cut in the line in the cafeteria and lash out when someone tried to tell him that it wasn't okay."

Hirata: "I want to believe him."

Hirata, the class hero, uttered those words as he stood in support of Kushida.

Hirata: "If a student in another class were casting doubt on him, I could understand it. But I think it's wrong to doubt a fellow classmate right away. Shouldn't friends do everything within their power to help someone in need?"

Karuizawa: "I agree!"

Karuizawa, heroic Hirata's girlfriend, called out in agreement, brushing her bangs aside with her hand as she spoke.

Karuizawa: "If it were a false charge, that'd be a problem, wouldn't it? In any case, you'd feel bad for him if he were innocent, right?"

If Kushida lived by the softness of her heart, then Karuizawa lived by the strength of her will. Perhaps it was because of Kushida and Karuizawa's influence that many girls started to express their support.

Kushida: "I'll try asking my friends!"

Hirata: "Well then, I'll try asking the upperclassmen I know in the soccer club!"

Karuizawa: "I'll ask around, too."

And just like that, the class divided in teams to search for clues. The almost full of girls Hirata's group and the ones who didn't like Hirata. Of course they were Ike and Yamauchi. Kushida seemed to see them alone and decided to help them.

Everything was going fine, so I decided that I wouldn't do anything. There was nothing I could do at that moment, anyway.


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