41- Rules and preparations

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(A/N): Hirata, what are you reading?

(Y/N) pov

When the class fell silent, Chabashira-sensei began to explain the rules of the upcoming sports festival.

Rules and groups of the Sports Festival

All the years will be divided in two teams. The Red team, formed by classes A and D and the White team, formed by classes B and C.

Distribution of points for all the participants in individual contests:

1st place: +15 points

2nd place: +12 points

3rd place: +10 points

4th place: + 8 points

5th place: 0 points

6th place: -1 points

7th place: -2 points

8th place: -3 points

And so on.

Distribution of points for all the participants in recommended competitions:

1st place: +50 points

2nd place: +30 points

3rd place: +15 points

4th place: + 10 points

5th place: 0 points

6th place: -2 points

7th place: -4 points

8th place: -6 points

And so on.

(The relay which will be the final contest will be awarding three times the points.)

The outcome of Red team vs White team:

From the totality of all the school years, the losing team will have 100 points equally subtracted from their class points across all school years.

The impact of separate ordering of school years:

From the total count the class that takes 1st place will be awarded with 50 class points.

From the total count the class that takes 2nd place won't have any changes in their class points.

From the total count the class that takes 3rd place will have 50 points subtracted.

From the total count the class that takes the 4th place will have 100 points subtracted.

Chabashira: "It's a simple matter, it means that it's necessary to compete by going all out without letting your guard down. Because the penalty that the loosing team incurs is by no means a light one."

That was certainly right. After all, loosing 100 class points would be a heavy blow for our class.

Hirata: "Umm, sensei. How many points does the winning team get? There seems to be no mention of that."

In response to Hirata's question, a cruel statement came from Chabashira-sensei.

Chabashira: "Nothing. Only that there will be no minus to their points."

"Ugh, are you serious? That doesn't sound good at all!"

Upon hearing that, the class became restless. It was natural, since in the last exams there was a huge risk of loosing points, but there was also a huge reward for the class who won. However, here it was different. There was no reward at all, just the privilege of not losing class points.

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