9- Sakura Airi

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The next morning, students busily exchanged information with each other. Those from Hirata's group and those with Kushida had spent the previous day searching for the witness. Ike and Yamauchi hated ladies' men like Hirata, but seemed excited about all the girls who hung around him. They happily tried to chat them up.

I, on the other hand, was sitting alone as always, but that time it was different. Some of my classmates occasionally glanced at me, and some of them even asked me if I was alright.

Apparently the rumor of yesterday's fight had already spreaded, but it was fine. It would benefict Class D.

As I was seating, I heard Hirata's and Kushida's group conversation.

Ike: "Man, can we even prove that those Class C guys were in the wrong?"

Kushida: "As long as we can find a witness, it's not impossible. Let's keep trying our best, Ike-kun."

Ike: "Before we try our best, though, is there even a witness in the first place? Didn't Sudo only say that he thought someone might've been there? Wasn't that a lie? I mean, he is violent, and he does provoke people."

Hirata: "If we keep doubting him, we won't make any progress. Am I wrong?"

Ike: "I guess, you're probably right about that, but... If Sudo is in the wrong, then our hard-earned points are all going to be stripped away, right?"

Hirata: "Then it would be a good idea for everyone to start saving up again. It's only been two months since we started here."

Our classroom hero didn't waver as he delivered his magnificent speech. The girls immediately blushed in response. Karuizawa wore a particularly proud expression, perhaps because she was the one he'd chosen to be his girlfriend.

Karuizawa: "I do think our points are important. They're tyed to our motivation, right? So, I will defend our class points to my last breath. Even if it's only 87 ponts."

Hirata: "I understand how you feel. However, it can be dangerous to cling to our points and lose sight of reality. The most important thing is to treasure our friends as much as possible."

Ike: "Even if Sudo was at fault?" Ike, who considered Hirata a goody two shoes, eyed him suspiciously.

Being punished when you'd done nothing wrong was horrible. That much is obvious. However, Hirata nodded without hesitation. Ike immediately looked downward, as if pressed by Hirata's noble intentions.

Karuizawa: "I think that what you're saying is reasonable, Hirata-kun, but I still want my points. The students in Class A get nearly 100,000 points every month. I'm super envious of them. There are girls in their class who buy lots of stylish clothes and accesories. Aren't we just the bottom of the barrel compared to them?"

People looked bitter when she pointed out the difference between our classes.

"Why couldn't I have been in Class A from the start? If I were in Class A, I'd probably be loving every second of my student life." A female student said.

Before I knew it, the meeting to save Sudo transformed into a grievance session.

Ike: "It would be awesome if there was some secret trick we could use to switch Class A in an instant. Saving up class points is way too hard."

There was a 1000-point difference between Class A and us. An absurdly huge difference.

Chabashira: "Then cheer up, Ike, because there is one way to instantly reach Class A."

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