30- A troubled past

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A/N: Before you start reading, I want you to know that this episode is very dark. It has violence and mentions bullying and a suicide attempt. If you are sensitive, please refrain from reading it. The next episode will go back to normal.

Read at your own discretion.

(Y/N) pov

I was the first one to arrive at the room where the discussion would take place. I still didn't know who the target was, so I decided to get there early to see who arrived first.

The target of my group hadn't said anything yet, which meant that the target didn't want anyone to find their identity. If that was the case, then he or she wouldn't be looking forward for these reunions, and probably wouldn't be the first one to come.

The door opened, Manabe and her two friends coming in. They were happily talking, but they immediately shut up when they saw me. I ignored them, thinking that they would just sit down somewhere as far away from me as possible. However, I heard their footsteps approaching. I looked up at Manabe and the others, who were now standing in front of me.

Manabe: "Your name is L/N, right?"

I really didn't know where she wanted to get at. I thought that she hated me because I defended Karuizawa the other day, but now she was talking to me in a friendly tone.

(Y/N): "...Yeah. You are Manabe, right?"

Manabe: "Yes, I'm glad you remembered my name."

She was talking with a smile on her face, but it was undoubtedly fake.

Heh, advantages of knowing Kikyou I suppose. I can tell when someone is pretending just by looking at them.

Manabe sat beside me.

Manabe: "I wanted to talk about something with you, is that okay?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Manabe: "It's about Karuizawa. You see, I understand that you want to protect her. She's your classmate, after all. But we feel the same way about Rika."

I see. They are playing the victim's role now.

Manabe: "We want to protect our classmate, just like you. That's why we talked to Karuizawa in the first discussion." The two girls behind her nodded, agreeing with Manabe.

(Y/N): "Really? To me it looked like you were harassing her." I tilted my head feigning ignorance.

Manabe: "N-no! You're totally wrong. W-we just wanted to talk, right?" She turned to her other two friends, who nervously nodded in agreement.

Did they really think I was that dumb?

Manabe: "I understand if you don't want us to talk to her, but-"

(Y/N): "No, that's totally fine. It's natural that you want to protect your classmate. I'm sure that Karuizawa will understand."

Manabe's eyes widened.

Manabe: "So... You're letting us talk to her?"

(Y/N): "Yes. I think that the best way to solve this situation is for you to talk."

Manabe: "Thank you! I'm glad that you understand."

An evil smiled formed on her face, her true intentions slipping through it.

The door was opened again. After a few minutes, all the students from my group arrived. Yukimura sat on my right and Karuizawa was about to take the seat on my left, but stopped when she saw Manabe sitting there.

Running away from the past (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now