20- Broken

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(Y/N) pov

A strange feeling on my cheek woke me up the morning of the sixth day. It was strangely warm, which instantly grossed me out. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. Someone's arm was holding me in place.

(Y/N): "W-what?"

I started to get really scared and desperately tried to stand up and leave.

Sudo: "Suzune... I can't hold back anymore..." He moaned.

(Y/N): "AHHHHH!"

I shrieked and escaped from Sudo's iron grip.

Sudo: "Gah, shut up... The hell L/N? Don't wake me up like that."

(Y/N): "Stay away from me."

Sudo: "Wha-?"

I left the tent before he could say anything else. After that terrifying experience, I needed some air.

I checked my wristwatch and it wasn't even six in the morning yet. However, thanks to Sudo, my drowsiness was completely gone.

I noticed that the skies were cloudy and grey. It looked like it was going to start raining hard, probably in the early afternoon.

People started leaving the tent. I probably woke them up when I screamed. When they noticed the weather, they panicked and started getting ready for the incoming storm.

Hirata started sorting people into teams to go out and search for food. If we got enough food, we wouldn't need to spend any points.

Ike: "Should I go too?"

Hirata: "No. I want you and Sudo-kun to continue fishing. There isn't anyone else in our class that knows how to do it."

Hirata asked for volunteers. I didn't raise my hand, but Hirata still sorted me into a group. The members were Horikita, Kikyou, Sakura and Yamauchi. When I looked at Horikita, I noticed that she was still ill.

Horikita: "Why were you left behind? Where's your group of friends?"

Kushida: "Ah, yeah. Well..."

Kushida whispered something into Horikita's ear. She probably didn't want anyone else to know.

Kushida: "To tell you the truth, Mii-chan is having her time of the month. She always feels awful when it happens, so her other friends stayed with her in the tent."

I didn't want to overhear, but I was standing next to Horikita. I couldn't do anything.

(Y/N): "Hey, Ibuki. Why don't you come with us?"

Ibuki: "Huh? Me?"

(Y/N): "I won't pressure you if you don't want to."

Ibuki: "Okay. Your class accepted me in your camp, so I should show gratitude. I'll go."

Ibuki slung her bag over her shoulder. Yamauchi looked happy about this.

No one refused, so we stepped into the forest. Yamauchi stood next to Sakura, as if to protect her. What a gentleman.

Kushida: "The forest is kinda scary..."

The sky was cloudy, which made the forest more dark. It was completely different from the last few days.

Yamauchi: "Aren't you hot, Sakura?"

Yamauchi had been trying to start a conversation with Sakura, but his eyes were focused on her breasts. It was quite easy to figure out what he really wanted.

Sakura: "E-eh? No, I'm fine."

Sakura leaned forward, probably trying to avoid Yamauchi's gaze. It's said that girls are sensitive to the lascivous male gaze.

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