10- Allies

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(Y/N) pov

After Sakura left in a hurry, the other students also left, leaving Horikita, Kushida, Sudo, Ike, Yamauchi and me in the classroom.

Sudo: "Why is a gloomy girl like her my witness? This sucks." He crossed his legs and leaned against the chair, sighing in exasperation.

Kushida: "Sorry... I couldn't convince her..." She said looking down.

Ike: "It's definetely not your fault, Kushida-chan!"

I looked around the classroom and Horikita noticed.

Horikita: "Looking for something?"

(Y/N): "It's just that all this seems weird to me."

Horikita: "Mmm?"

(Y/N): "Sudo's fight wasn't recorded by any security cameras, right?"

Horikita: "No, there aren't any security cameras in the building where the fight took place."

(Y/N): "That's weird. There are cameras everywhere." I said as I pointed at the ceiling of the classroom, where there was a security camera.

Everyone looked up

Yamauchi: "Wait, has that camera been there since the beginning? I haven't noticed."

Kushida: "That camera is well hidden, when did you notice, L/N-kun?"

(Y/N): "The day when Chabashira-sensei told us that we wouldn't get any points. She said the exact number of incidences that took place during that month. I thought that it would be impossible for her to know the exact number unless there was some kind of recording."

Ike: "That makes sense! I thought that Sae-chan-sensei was some kind of alien that could see everything around her or something."

Yamauchi: "I haven't dismissed that option yet..."

Horikita rolled her eyes and Sudo started to lose his patience.

I decided to go check something and picked my bag.

Horikita: "Are you going back to the dorms?"

(Y/N): "I was going to check something on my way back."

Horikita: "I'll go with you."

My eyes widened and I put my hand on her forehead, checking if she had a fever or something

Horikita: "...I'm not sick."

Ike: "Hey, that's not fair! You let L/N touch you but when I get closer you just hit me!"

Sudo: "L/N..."

A shiver ran down my spine and I suddenly felt the urge to leave as soon as possible. I looked at Kushida, waiting for her to do something, but she was just looking at me with a smile on her face. That wasn't a normal smile though.

Somehow I was more afraid of Kushida than Sudo.

As me and Horikita were leaving the classroom, one student called out to me.

"Sorry for interrupting, but can you come with me?"

I didn't know her at all, she looked like someone our age, so she was probably in one of the upper classes.

(Y/N): "Do I know you?"

She kept staring at me, but didn't answer.

Horikita: "You're from Class A, aren't you?"

As expected from Horikita, she paid more attention to students in other classes than in her own classmates.

The girl sighed and spoke

Running away from the past (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now