19- What I was looking for

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(Y/N) pov

2 weeks ago

It was the last day of school before summer vacation started. My classmates were really happy and wouldn't stop talking about their plans for holidays.

Classes had ended for the day and I was about to leave to the dorms. However, someone had other plans for me.

Chabashira: "L/N. Before you leave, I have to talk to you. Come to the faculty room." Chabashira-sensei said that right after homeroom ended and left the class.

Sudo: "Why? Did you do something?" Sudo approached me with his bag on his shoulder.

(Y/N): "I don't think so...?" I haven't really done anything, at least yet.

Horikita: "Yeah. You're not good or bad. You're just an average student living his plain, boring life."

(Y/N): "Why did you sound all sarcastic?"

Horikita: "Sarcastic? That wasn't my intention. I do sincerely apologize."

Yeah, right.

Sudo: "Hey, Horikita. Since it's summer vacation, do you have some free time? We could hang out."

Sudo's feelings for Horikita were rather obvious at this point.

Horikita: "...Why?"

Sudo: "Because it's summer vacation. It'd be too bad if you didn't have fun. We can go to the cinema or to the shopping centre."

Horikita: "Not interested." For a moment, I thought I heard Sudo's heart cracking from my seat.

Horikita stood up and left the classroom. I also decided to leave, since I shouldn't make Chabashira-sensei wait for too long.

As I arrived at the faculty room, I saw Chabashira-sensei waiting for me in the doorway.

Chabashira: "Come in."

(Y/N): "I don't understand why I was called here."

Chabashira: "We'll talk inside."

My "incoming depression" meter was over the clouds as Chabashira-sensei evaded my questions.

Chabashira: "You might expect bad things to happen when you're suddenly asked to come to the faculty room, but this is actually a fine place. There aren't any eyes watching here."

I noticed that the security camera, which was installed last time I was called here, wasn't there anymore.

(Y/N): "So what did you want to talk about? I'm really busy planning my summer vacation right now."

Chabashira: "That's funny. I thought that you didn't have any friends."

Come on, even the teacher is making fun of me?!

(Y/N): "Hey hey. I have at least a few friends." Right?

Chabashira-sensei chuckled, but soon turned back to her serious expression.

Chabashira: "I've called you here because I want to tell you my personal story."

Her personal story? I didn't know why would she want to tell me that, nor I was interested.

Chabashira: "I haven't told this to anyone since I became a teacher. It's silly, but please listen."

(Y/N): "Before that, should we have some tea? You must be thirsty after classes."

I got up and opened the door that lead to the small office where I hid back then. There wasn't anyone inside.

Chabashira: "Don't tell this story to anyone else."

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