4- Wolf in sheep's clothing

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(Y/N) pov

Class had ended for the day. Hirata got up and stood in front of the class, probably trying to discuss how to get our points back. I decided to leave before the discussion even started so I didn't have to get involved with it but...

Yamauchi: ''L/N!''

Yamauchi suddenly came out from under my desk, with a deathlike expression, which startled me.

I had to restrain myself from kicking him in the face for what he just did.

(Y/N): ''What?!''

Yamauchi: ''Hey, buy this from me for 20,000 points. I can't buy anything!''

Yamauchi placed a game console on my desk.

I stared at it for a few seconds and then looked back at Yamauchi.

(Y/N): ''I'll buy it for 1,000 points.''

Yamauchi: ''Come on man, I need those points!'' He looked at me all teary-eyed, which grossed me out.

(Y/N): ''I'm not spending 20,000 points.''

Yamauchi finally gave up and switched targets.

Yamauchi: ''Hey, buy this game console! It's only 22,000 points!''

Did he just raise the price?

Kushida: ''Things must be really tough for the people who used up all their points...'' She said as she observed Yamauchi.

(Y/N): ''What about you, Kushida? Do you have enough points?''

Kushida: ''I'm okay. For now, anyway. I've used up about half of my points. What about you, L/N-kun?''

(Y/N): ''I've barely used any of my points, to be honest. I haven't really needed to buy anything.''

Kushida: ''Because you don't have any friends?''

Jeez woman, don't say it that way... Even though you might be right.

(Y/N): ''That hurts, you know?''

Kushida: ''Ah, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to offend.'' She apologized with a giggle, which made her look really cute.

At that moment, the loudspeaker made an announcement.

''L/N- kun from class D. Please come see Chiyabashira-sensei in the faculty office.''

Kushida: ''Looks like the teacher wants to see you.''

(Y/N): ''Yeah, sorry. I gotta go.''

I was sure I hadn't done anything to get me called to the office. As I exited the classroom, I felt the cold stares from my classmates, like if they were blaiming me for getting called to the office.

Oh, so now I'm the bad guy? You are the ones to blame for the loss of points, idiots.


After a few minutes, I found the faculty office and entered. I looked around, but I didn't find Chiyabashira-sensei anywhere, so I decided to ask.

(Y/N): ''Excuse me, is Chiyabashira-sensei here?''

''Hmm? Sae-chan? Oh, she was here a moment ago.''

The teacher who responded had wavy, shoulder-length hair. Wait, did she just call her Sae-chan? That's funny, Chiyabashira-sensei looked like someone who would punch anyone who called her that.

''She must have stepped away for a minute. Do you want to wait here?''

(Y/N): ''No, thank you. I'll wait in the hall.''

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