43- Training

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(Y/N) pov

The next day I spent my lunch break in the student council room with Tachibana, who supervised my work as I went through some documents. Since I spent most of my lunch breaks alone I didn't mind, but it probably wasn't the same for her.

I was sure that she would rather be with her classmates than spending her lunch time with me. However, if she was upset, she didn't show it.

Tachibana was concentrated in everything I did, not letting a detail escape her. It was as if she was waiting for me to make a mistake so she could jump at my throat. Actually, that was probably what she was doing. 

(Y/N): "That should be enough."

Tachibana: "Hmph."

The only answer I got from her was a grunt. I supposed that it was as much as I was going to get from her.

Tachibana didn't bother to hide her dislike for me, but that wasn't a bad thing. It meant that since she wasn't pretending, I didn't have to pretend either and I could act more like myself. It was nice for a change.

Tachibana: "How is your class doing?"

I thought that she wouldn't say anything else and I was good to go, but suddenly that strange question came from her.

(Y/N): "Fine I suppose."

Her brow twitched, which meant that she didn't like that answer. Or was it the way I answered? She was all about respect your senpais  on my first day in the student council.

Tachibana: "I saw your class the other day in the meeting. The way I saw it, you weren't doing fine at all."

Well, that couldn't be helped. It was true that my classmates seemed to be taken aback by the other classes. After our first month here, the overwhelming difference in class points was clear for all of us. As a result, whether it was consciously or unconsciously, many of my classmates started to look at the other classes as superior entities.

Tachibana: "If it wasn't for that classmate of yours, Hirata-kun, you wouldn't have gotten anywhere."

(Y/N): "I'm glad that we have someone like him in our class."

He was the one that kept our classmates together, after all. Well, most of them. Koenji was a free soul.

Tachibana: "You... have you no ambition at all?"

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Tachibana sighed in annoyance and rubbed her temple.

Tachibana: "Nevermind. But remember, you're a member of the student council now. You better not slack off during the sports festival, got it?"

(Y/N): "Got it."

I didn't have a choice anyways.


Until the sports festival started, all physical education classes were free periods that we could use however we wanted in order to prepare for the festival.

Hirata: "I've borrowed it."

Right now, we were in one of those periods. Hirata had submitted an application to the school and obtained a grip strength measuring instrument.

Hirata: "Let's measure the grip strength of our dominant arms, shall we?"

Now, I didn't know what the average grip strength for people my age was, but that didn't really matter since I wasn't trying to blend in anymore. This wasn't the first time that I used this kind of equipment, so I was quite familiarized with it.

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