29- Revelations

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(Y/N) pov

I met Hirata on the way back to my dorm. Yukimura, who was also in my group, was with him.

Hirata: "Hello, L/N-kun. There's something I wanted to talk to you about, is that okay?

(Y/N) "Yeah, sure. Actually, I'd like to talk to you too."

I wanted to ask Hirata about Karuizawa, but it was better to do it when it was only the two of us, so I let him start.

Hirata: "To be honest, some girls from our class have told me that two of our classmates are the targets of other groups."

Yukimura: "What? That means that-"

Hirata: "I can't tell you, but they gave me that information because they trust me."

So, at least two of our classmates were the targets in other groups. That was very important information, but my options were limited. As someone who had been acting alone until now, I couldn't take action in other groups. Still, this kind of information was always welcomed.

Yukimura: "Are you implying that you don't trust us, Hirata? If you know, I have the right to know too."

Hirata: "Yeah. You're right, but..."

(Y/N): "I think that you should tell us, Hirata. Maybe we could come up with a plan to overcome this test."

Hirata was lost in thought for a few seconds, but in the end, we were able to convince him. He took a look around before speaking again.

Hirata: "Kushida-san (Dragon) and Minami-san (Horse) are the targets of their respective groups."

Yukimura: "I see."

I already knew that Kikyou was the target of her group, but I didn't know anything about Minami. Normally, I would give Kikyou instructions, but things between us hadn't been going well lately. I decided that I would let things happen without me intervening.

(Y/N): "I think that the best option right now is for them to stay quiet and not to reveal themselves."

Hirata: "Yeah, I agree. There are many risks in coming out too soon."

Suddenly, I heard footsteps of someone who was approaching us. I turned around to see Koenji humming.

Yukimura: "Hey, Koenji. Can you promise us that you will participate until the end of this exam? Don't drop out like you did in the exam on the deserted island. And could you please stop humming that annoying song?"

Koenji: "There was nothing I could do. I was in bad health back then."

Yukimura: "Geh... You're lying."

Koenji: "But thinking that this exam will last for another two days... It really annoys me."

Yukimura: "You probably aren't even taking it seriously..."

Koenji: "There's no point in participating in such boring exam, after all."

Yukimura was about to say something, but our phones buzzed at the same time.

Yukimura: "Koenji, what did you do?!"

I hurriedly checked the email that I had just received.

The test has ended for the group (Monkey). The students of the group (Monkey) are not obliged to take part in this test anymore. Please, be sure not to disturb the rest of the students.

Yukimura: "That's your group, Koenji!"

Koenji: "Exactly. Now, I'm free to do whatever I want again. Adieu."

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