17- Different strategies

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(Y/N) pov

The next morning, I woke up quite earlier than I anticipated. The heat and humidity stole most of our sleep.

I looked around the tent and made sure that everyone was still asleep. After that, I quietly left the tent.

We left our luggage outside the tent. Each class was given numerous bags, with one color for each class. For example, our bags were blue and Class C's bags were green.

After making sure that no one was around, I picked the only green bag that was there. It was Ibuki's.

I opened it and checked what was inside. There were towels, a change of clothes, underwear, and a digital camera.

(Y/N): "Hmm?"

We were forbridden to bring any electronical items, I wondered how did she manage to avoid being caught at the beginning of the test.

I put the camera back in the bag and quietly went back to the tent.

Hirata: "Good morning, L/N-kun."

Hirata was awake. He turned around and greeted me.

Hirata: "Ah, did I wake you up by any chance?"

(Y/N): "No, I was already awake. The heat and mosquitoes didn't let me sleep."

Hirata sheepishly laughed, but his smile faded.

Hirata: "To be honest, I'm stressed. Yesterday we spent 100 points to buy a toilet and pay for Kouenji-kun's absence." He said as he showed me the manual that we were given the day before in the boat.

(Y/N): "It certainly is a difficult situation, even for you."

Hirata: "I only do this because I want to make everyone happy. I'm sure that if we reach Class A, everyone in class will be satisfied. But it's more difficult than I imagined."

Make everyone happy, huh?

(Y/N): "Then, if some students in our class want to reach Class A, but there are others who want to stay in Class D, what would you do?"

Hirata: "That's a difficult question... If that was the case, then I would be forcing some students who didn't want to reach Class A... I'm sorry, but I need time to think about it."

It's quite shocking to see how a teenager cares more about the feelings of other students than a certain teacher.

Hirata: "So, L/N-kun. Do you want to reach Class A or are you fine with being here in Class D?"

(Y/N): "If I had to choose, having a normal school life is my priority." I don't care whether I am in Class D or A as long as I can live my days peacefully.

Hirata: "I see."

After a brief period of silence, I asked Hirata if he could hand me the manual. He accepted and said that he would go to wash his face in the river.

Once I made sure that he was gone and everyone else was still sleeping, I cut out one of the pages of the manual.


(Y/N): "Hey Horikita, you around?"

After morning roll call and breakfast, I approached the girls' tent and called her.

Horikita: "...What?"

A faint voice came from the tent. Horikita slowly came out looking tired.

(Y/N): "Didn't sleep well?"

Horikita: "I doubt that anyone was able to sleep well in this enviroment."

That was certainly true, but she still looked worse than our classmates.

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