44- Reconnaissance

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(Y/N) pov

The days kept passing by and, before we knew it, the sports festival was around the corner. While some of my classmates couldn't hide their excitement, others seemed to be getting more nervous.

"L/N-kun! Can you come here for a sec?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Things were starting to change for me as well. While not everyone, some of my classmates were starting to rely on me more. They probably saw me helping Horikita and Onodera the other day.

At least the situation now was better than when many of them came to my desk demanding me to explain why and how I joined the student council. I couldn't blame them though, and their distrust was perfectly justified.

After all, from their point of view, Y/N L/N was practically a complete stranger who hadn't really stood out, and now he suddenly became a member of the student council.

Well, there was no use crying over spilt milk. Looking at the bright side, this happened relatively soon in my student life. If I had kept pretending to be a normal student and joined the student council in my second or third year, the situation would probably be worse.

Horikita: "It seems that they're not even bothering to hide."

(Y/N): "We can't do anything about it."

Horikita was glaring at a group of Class C students who had been watching our class practice. It wasn't the first time either. Every time that Class D practiced for the sports festival, a group of Class C students were there to watch.

(Y/N): "Maybe we should go see the other classes as well. See how they're preparing themselves."

Horikita: "I suppose that doing some research wouldn't hurt."

(Y/N): "Are you free tomorrow morning?"

Horikita: "Tomorrow should be fine."

(Y/N): "That's good."

I glanced around looking for a certain classmate who, unsurprisingly, was happily talking with her friends. I decided that I would talk to her later.


I stepped out of the elevator the following morning. Horikita was already waiting for me in the lobby.

Horikita: "You're late."

(Y/N): "Sorry."

Horikita was visibly annoyed, but it had nothing to do with me being late. Rather...

Horikita: "Care to explain what she's doing here?"

Kushida: "I already told you, Y/N invited me!"

Kikyou was standing next to Horikita with a happy smile adorning her face. Maybe it was my imagination, but I got the impression that Kikyou's smile grew even wider when she saw Horikita's exasperated expression.

(Y/N): "Kikyou knows a lot more about other students than we do and she's always willing to help." Was my only answer.

Horikita: "Couldn't you have told me beforehand?"

(Y/N): "Would you have come if you knew that she would be here?"

Horikita: "..."

(Y/N): "There's your answer."

It took me some time to ponder whether it was a good idea to invite Kikyou. After all, right now she was a double spy that Ryuuen and I were using at the same time. However, in the end, I decided that the best option was to let her come with us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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