Last day (Part 2)

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10:50 pm. In ten minutes, the school would send everyone an email with the results of the exam. The corridors were mostly empty as I made my way towards the ship's deck, I wondered where the rest of the students were.

When I got there, I immediately noticed that the café where I intended to go was crowded, but I was lucky to find an empty table with four seats. I sat down and played with my mobile phone to kill some time.

Karuizawa: "...Sorry to keep you waiting."

Karuizawa approached while looking at me suspiciously.

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Karuizawa sat next to me, her eyes locked on me for a while. I pretended not to notice and kept playing with my mobile, but eventually I started to feel uncomfortable.

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Karuizawa: "...The school hasn't sent us an email yet, so no one has said that I was the target. At least yet."

(Y/N): "That's good. In a few minutes you are going to get one million private points, aren't you glad?"

Karuizawa: "Well, yeah. A few months ago, I had to ask my friends for private points."

I remembered Karuizawa asking Kikyou and the others for points the day when we discovered that we wouldn't get any.

Karuizawa: "But you should be happy too, right? If everything goes well, you will get 500,000 points."

(Y/N): "I am happy."

Karuizawa looked at me with a deadpanned expression.

(Y/N): "What?"

Karuizawa: "If that's how you look like when you're happy, I don't even want to know how you look like when you're angry."

(Y/N): "Ah, you're making fun of me now? I would like to see your face on a Monday morning."

Karuizawa: "I bet it would definitely be better than yours."

(Y/N): "Oi."

Karuizawa started to laugh. It was good to see her laughing like this, even though she was mainly making fun of me.

Hirata: "I see you're having fun. Mind if I sit here?"

Upon hearing Hirata's voice, Karuizawa stopped laughing and looked elsewhere, her cheeks red.

(Y/N): "Sure, have a seat."

Hirata's gaze shifted between Karuizawa and me. Neither of us looked directly at him.

Hirata: "It's almost time. Where is Horikita-san?"

(Y/N): "She should arrive soon"

As I promised, I helped Hirata to get in touch with Horikita. She surprisingly accepted, which meant that she was finally starting to change. She didn't say that she would cooperate with him yet though.

Hirata: "Ah, there she is."

Horikita and... Sudo? That was quite surprising.

(Y/N): "What is Sudo doing here?"

Horikita: "He followed me. Just ignore him."

Sudo: "Don't say that, Horikita. You looked anxious and I was worried, that's why I came with you."

Who is this person and what did he do with the Sudo I know?!

Horikita: "You're a nuisance. Get lost."

Sudo: "D-don't say that. I did everything I could to overcome this test."

Horikita: "Hmm? You achieved a good result, then?"

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