23- Result

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(Y/N) pov

(Y/N): "It was close, after all..."

Eventually I had reached the beach. The ship was floating nearby and I could see some tents. The teachers should be there.

I approached the tent with Horikita resting on my back. When I got there, I heard a teacher's voice.

"You're prohibited from being here. You'll be disqualified."

(Y/N): "This is an emergency. She's got a high fever and has lost consciousness, Please let her rest."

Once I explained the situation, the teacher skipped the instructions and brought a stretcher. I laid Horikita down.

"Is she okay with retiring?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

At that moment I just wanted to leave that place and return to the camp as soon as possible due to my headache getting worse. But I didn't know if I would be able to come back by myself in my current state.

(Y/N): "Is Chabashira-sensei here? I would like to talk to her."

"Yes. I'll call her, wait a moment."

With that, the teacher took Horikita inside the ship. I waited around five minites until Chabashira-sensei finally appeared. I thought that she would act as usual and say something with her serious expression.

However, for my surprise, she approached me and hugged me. I was taken aback by this and didn't know how to react.

(Y/N): "S-sensei-?"

Chabashira: "Are you okay? Where have you been?"

She was completely different from usual. It was difficult for me not to look surprised.

(Y/N): "Horikita wasn't feeling well, so I decided to come here with her just in case."

I took a step backwards to break the hug.

(Y/N): "Anyway, I need to-"

Chabashira: "Yeah, I know. Follow me."

We went inside the ship and there I was given my medication. Chabashira wanted me to retire as Horikita, because she said it would be too dagerous for me. It took me a while, but I was able to convince her that I was fine. She still made me stay inside the ship for an hour to be sure though.

After that, I left the ship.

(Timeskip - Next morning)

Finally, the special test was about to come to an end. I got back to the camp quite late at night and managed to enter the tent without anyone noticing.

The lack of sleep took its toil on me and my classmates had to wake me up.

Chabashira-sensei came shortly after with a paper on her hand. There, we had to name the leaders of each class. We were given the oportunity not to write a name if we weren't for sure though.

After that, all the classes gathered in the beach, the exact same place where the test had started.

Masahima: "We're now tallying up the test results. Please wait."

After that short announcement, we sat in the rest area provided by the school. There were tents, tables and chairs for us to use.

Sudo: "L/N. You work pretty well with Horikita, don't you? How close are you really?"

Rather than sounding angry or upset, it gave me the impression that he genuinely wanted to know.

(Y/N): "There's nothing between us, we're just classmates."

Running away from the past (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now