42- Trying to cooperate

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(Y/N) pov

Chabashira-sensei sat on her desk seemingly not caring about what we were doing. Meanwhile, Horikita's desk was instantly surrounded by Sudo and some other classmates who wanted to ask for advice.

Horikita: "First of all, I would like to hear your opinions."

Ike: "Right!"

Unsurprisingly, Ike was the first one to speak.

Ike: "I want to have fun and win!"

Horikita: "I cannot recognize that as an opinion. Could you please refrain from voicing such comments?"

Fake tears streamed from Ike's eyes. But, knowing Horikita, he should have already known how she would react. Or maybe not. Ike was Ike, after all.

Sudo: "There's a way for us to win."

Horikita: "I expect nothing from you, but I'm listening."

Sudo: "I don't know about the universal participation events, but I'll participate in the recommended ones. There's no way I will lose to anyone."

Due to his confidence when it came to sports, Sudo stated that without the slightest hint of a doubt.

I had to admit, Sudo was probably one of the most athletic students in our year, if not the entire school. The tactic he was proposing, albeit simple, wasn't bad itself. None of us doubted that he would win most of the competitions.

However, the other classes would probably see this coming.

Horikita: "I see. It is certainly true that there is no limitation on how many times a student can participate in the recommended participation events."

Apparently Horikita would accept Sudo's plan, but Ike and Yamauchi didn't seem satisfied.

Ike: "We want to have our own chances too. I mean, if we manage to at least secure the third place we will get points."

Sudo: "When it comes to the recommended participation events, only the most athletic people participate. There's no way for you to take part on them, Kanji."

Ike: "Coincidences exist, right? Who says I won't be able to win?"

Horikita: "I suppose that there's no point in discussing this any longer..."

Since many of our classmates had the same opinion as Ike, Horikita determined that further discussion of this topic would be unnecessary.

Sudo: "You're being naive, Suzune. Isn't it obvious that the most athletic people should be the ones to participate the most?"

Sudo had a point, and Horikita seemed to agree with him.

Horikita: "I'll support your idea of participating on the recommended events. However, this does not mean that I'm going to let you participate in every single event."

Sudo: "What do you mean?"

Horikita: "Your stamina is not unlimited. If you participate in all the events you'll wear yourself out."

Horikita understood that, no matter how strong Sudo was, he wouldn't be able to win all the time.

Sudo: "But still, it would be better to leave the recommended participation events to the most athletic ones, right? Even if I'm tired, I will still perform better that those guys."

Laughing contemptuously, Sudo looked at us as if we were trash. Ike and the others were visibly frustrated, but didn't say anything.

(Y/N): "Wouldn't that be dangerous though?"

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