26- Exam on board

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(Y/N) pov

I was lying on my bed, still in the ship with nothing to do when my phone buzzed. It was an email from the school.

I read it and couldn't help but frown.

"A special test will commence soon. Please gather at the designated hour in your designated room. The students who arrive late will be penalized. Go to the room 204 in the second floor at 18:00 today."

I glanced at the clock. It was already 17:40. I decided that I would text Horikita before leaving.

(Y/N): "Did you get the email?"

Horikita: "Yes."

(Y/N): "I was told to go at 18:00, what about you?"

Horikita: "I'll have to go at 20:40. Apparently we have different schedules."

I didn't have a good feeling about this. We had just finished the special test on the deserted island, and now another test was about to start. I didn't even have time to convince Horikita to cooperate with Hirata.

Horikita: "I would like to discuss some matters, but there's no time right now. Please tell me about the reunion later."

(Y/N): "Okay."

After that short exchange, I turned my mobile off and headed toward room 204.


I got there five minutes earlier. Some students from other classes were also reluctantly walking nearby, heading to their designated rooms.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door and immediately saw Mashima-sensei, Class A's homeroom teacher, seated on a chair.

Sotomura: "Greetings L/N."

(Y/N): "...Hello."

There was another student from my class next to the Professor (Sotomura). His name was Yukimura, one of the most clever students in Class D. He always got the highest test scores in Class D, with Koenji getting the second place and Horikita the third.

Yukimura: "Isn't this strange, L/N?"

I nodded without looking at him, because I noticed that there were still one chair unoccupied. Apparently there was another student coming, probably from our class.

The clock struck 18, but the other student didn't show up. I glanced over at Mashima-sensei, who had his arms crossed, but he didn't say anything.

Another 2 minutes passed and the door finally opened, the last student showing up. Karuizawa Kei.

Karuizawa: "Ehh? Why are L/N-kun and the others here?"

Mashima: "I thought the email told the students to be punctual. You are late."

Karuizawa: "Sorry." She apologized without sounding sorry at all and took the seat next to me.

I met Karuizawa's eyes for a moment and quickly averted my gaze.

Mashima: "Sotomura, Yukimura, L/N and Karuizawa. I will now explain the contents of this test."

Karuizawa: "Okay, wait a moment. I can't understand this. What do you mean with test? I thought that the special test had already ended."

She just wasn't able to stay quiet and let the teacher explain.

Mashima: "I will not answer any questions at this point, so listen in silence."

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