37- Confessions and a talented turtle

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(A/N): The last few chapters took place before the fortune teller. This chapter takes place after that.

(Y/N) pov

A few days after the fortune teller and getting stuck in the elevator with Ibuki, I decided to take a walk around the campus. I decided to go out once the sun was almost set so it wasn't very hot outside. However, even if the sun wasn't visible anymore, the heat was still there.

I left my phone in the dorm because it had run out of battery but, even if it did have enough power, I would probably have left it there or put it in silence anyways. Since I joined the school, I went for a walk from time to time to clear my mind and I didn't want my mobile to break that moment of peace.

I got back to my room around 10 pm and checked my mobile before getting ready for dinner. I had received an email from the school and... three missed calls from Horikita? It was impossible for her to know about the student council... right?

Or maybe she was in trouble? She wouldn't call me this many times if it wasn't important. I decided to call her, just in case. Horikita didn't answer and, getting a bit worried, I called her again. Still no answer.

Maybe she was already asleep? While I was trying to understand what was going on, I checked the email from the school. Apparently, there were some problems with the potable water and the access to water in the dorms was temporarily cut. The email also said that we would be given some water in the cafeteria but, since the email had been sent a while ago, the cafeteria would probably be crowded at that moment and, by the moment I got there, there probably wouldn't be much water left.

I sighed and called Horikita again. This time she actually answered the call.

Horikita: "Hello..." For some reason she sounded a bit tired.

(Y/N): "Hi. I'm sorry for not answering your calls before but my phone was out of battery."

She didn't say anything, but I heard some kind of metallic sound coming from her end.

(Y/N): "What is that sound?"

Horikita: "N-nothing."

Now I was starting to get worried. The Horikita I knew would never be this sheepish... unless her brother was around. Was she with her brother?

(Y/N): "Are you sure you're okay?"

After a brief silence, she spoke again.

Horikita: "Let's say that there is a turtle."

(Y/N): "A turtle...?"

Horikita: "That turtle is extremely talented and clever. However, the turtle was involved in an incident and it was turned on its back. It would be terrible, right? The turtle wouldn't be able to move at all."

(Y/N): "I mean, a normal turtle would be able to extend its neck and use its legs to balance, so I'm pretty sure that the turtle would be able to fend for itself."

Horikita: "But-"

(Y/N): "Unless you're talking about a giant tortoise or a sea turtle. But then again, it would be impossible for them to land on their back in the first place."

Horikita: "..."

Understanding that my babbling would get me in trouble, I shut up.

(Y/N): "Anyways, please go on."

She sighed tiredly.

Horikita: "I might... need your help. Can you come to my room?"

It was already night-time and there shouldn't be any male students in the girls' dormitories, but since she asked for my help I didn't really have a choice.

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