34- An old goal

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Sakayanagi's pov

Sakayanagi: "Thank you for today, Masumi-san."

Kamuro: "...Yeah."

After having a walk around the campus, Masumi-san and I arrived at the lobby. Due to my physical condition, I hadn't been able to join my classmates in the special exams that had taken place not so long ago.

That day I decided to leave my room and go for a walk, so I asked her to go with me. Although she accepted, I could tell that she didn't want to join me and as a result, the walk was silent and boring.

Kamuro: "Are you heading back to the dorms?"

Sakayanagi: "I think I'll stay here a little longer. You can go back if you want, Masumi-san."

Once she headed to the elevator, I sat down on one of the sofas of the lobby. I didn't want to come back to my room just yet.

Many students saw me as they made their way back to their rooms. Some of them sent me pity looks and the others whispered. I chose to ignore them. A few minutes later, I heard laughter and saw a noisy group chatting happily between them. I recognized them as Class D students.

Ike: "That was a good match Ken! I thought you were going to lose though."

Sudo: "Huh?I would never lose. I had everything under control, idiot."

Yamauchi: "Really? You seemed to be in trouble when you got double-teamed."

Sudo: "Shut up."

The tall student, Sudo Ken, suddenly stopped and glanced around the room. His eyes landed on me for a second, but he ignored me.

Sudo: "Where did L/N go? He was with us just a moment ago."

Upon hearing that name, one of the girls who were walking ahead of them turned around.

Kushida: "Y/N said that he would go to a vending machine to get something to drink."


Sudo: "Jeez, that guy is really weird. I didn't even notice him leaving."

Once they were gone, my lips turned into a smile. I was about to leave when Sudo-kun and the others arrived at the lobby, but after hearing them I decided to stay a little longer.

A few minutes later, one lone male student entered the lobby with a sport drink in his hand. Apparently he didn't want to come back to his room either because he headed toward one of the sofas, but when he saw me he stopped walking.

Sakayanagi: "What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here, L/N-kun."

His face was blank and void of emotions, but it was easy to tell that he didn't expect me to be there either.

Sakayanagi: "Why don't you have a seat?"

(Y/N): "No, thank you. It would be troublesome if someone saw me talking to you."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu. There is nothing to worry about, you have already drawn attention to yourself these past few months. Besides, most of the students should be having dinner right now, so it is unlikely for us to be seen at this point."

I didn't have many chances to talk to him. Now that he was here, I wouldn't let him escape that easily.

(Y/N): "What is that supposed to mean? I haven't done anything special."

Sakayanagi: "Not exactly. The rumour that a first year Class D student managed to walk away from a fight against three other students a month ago spread quite quickly."

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