28- Let's work together

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(Y/N) pov

After the first discussion, I checked my mobile to kill some time until the second one started. Two people had messaged me. Sakura and Yamauchi.

Yamauchi: "Hey man, you promised! When are you going to give me Sakura's email address?!"

I accidentally marked the message as spam and ignored it. Then I checked Sakura's message. She wanted to see me and tell me something. I decided that it would be a good idea to check how she was doing in her group, so I accepted.

I headed toward the ship's deck. It was better to meet there since it shouldn't be crowded at that time of the day. It didn't take me long to spot Sakura, who was kind of hidden behind a pillar, even though there wasn't anyone there besides us.

Sakura: "S-so... What do you think?" She spoke lowly. "W-would you like to g-go on a date with me?"

I stopped cold. I was sure that Sakura didn't want me to hear that.

Sakura murmured something, this time I couldn't hear everything she said. Something about that she needed to be braver. I decided to wait a few more seconds and call her.

(Y/N): "Hello Sakura."

I tried not to startle her, but she still stiffened.

Sakura: "A-ah! H-hello, L/N-kun."

Sakura was too shy and I wasn't the best person socializing, so I chose to ask that cliché question and try to start a conversation with her.

(Y/N): "Did I make you wait?"

Sakura: "N-no, I just got here."

That probably wasn't true, but I let it be.

(Y/N): "Are you enjoying your time here? Did you get to talk more to Mii-chan?"

Sakura's lips curved into a small smile.

Sakura: "Mii-chan is really nice. We exchanged contact information and we chat from time to time."

That was good to hear, this was the first step for Sakura to make more friends. I couldn't tell for sure how I was feeling at that moment. Maybe like a proud father watching his daughter take her first steps. But at the same time, I thought that I shouldn't feel that way.

Sakura: "Th-thank you."

(Y/N): "For what?"

Sakura: "For helping me. I made a new friend thanks to you."

(Y/N): "What are you talking about? I only introduced you two. Instead of grateful, you should be proud for making a new friend on your own."

Normally she wouldn't be brave enough to start a conversation with others and would often hide behind me when someone talked to her. Now she was able to interact with others without me being there. It was a huge step.

Sakura nodded, this time with a big smile on her face.

(Y/N): "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Sakura: "Ehh... That's... I was feeling nervous because of this test." She gave me a piece of paper with names written on it.

Class A: Sawada Yasumi, Shimizu Naoki, Nishi Haruka, Yoshida Kenta.

Class B: Kobayashi Yume, Nihomiya Yui, Watanabe Kihito.

Class C: Yuuki Yuuya, Nomura Yuuji, Yajima Mariko.

Class D: Ike Kanji, Sakura Airi, Sudo Ken, Matsushita Chiaki.

Her group was called "Cow."

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