33- How not to prepare a birthday party

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(A/N) This takes place before the fortune teller's episode.

(Y/N) pov

I suddenly woke up, startled by the sound of my phone ringing. While rubbing my eyes, I glanced at my watch, which displayed 4:30 pm. I remembered having lunch and turning on the TV, but the movie was so boring that I must had fallen asleep on my bed.

I lazily stretched my arm and reached for my mobile phone.

(Y/N): "Hello?"

Kushida: "Hello Y/N! How are your holidays going?"

Kikyou's cheerful voice greeted me as soon as I answered the call.

(Y/N): "Well, you know. I've been quite occupied this summer and-"

I was trying to sound cool, but she interrupted me.

Kushida: "You're alone in your room, aren't you?"

(Y/N): "...Yes." I admitted with a sigh. "Anyways, what do you want to talk about?"

Kushida: "Actually, next Wednesday is Inokashira-san's birthday. Do you want to celebrate it with us?"

Inokashira was one of my classmates. She was plain and shy, just like Sakura and Mii-chan, so she didn't have many friends. I wouldn't mind leaving my room to do something with friends, (in fact I was quite eager to do something with other people instead of wasting time in my room), but I hadn't talked with that girl at all. Wouldn't it be weird if a guy she barely knew showed up in her birthday party?

Besides, Kikyou was acting suspiciously. A few weeks ago, she was distant because I didn't trust her, and now she was calling me and acting as if nothing had happened.

Kikyou spoke after a few moments of silence, reading my mind.

Kushida: "Are you worried because you haven't talked to her before?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. I think that she would feel uncomfortable if a guy that she barely knows shows up in her birthday party."

In fact, it would be really awkward.

Kushida: "Can you at least help me to pick a present for her?"

Why was she asking me this? I doubted that she needed my help for something like this.

Kushida: "Great! I'll see you later then."

She finished the call before I could even say whether I would go or not. I stared at the screen of my phone and shrugged. Spending some time with Kikyou wouldn't harm anyone. Besides, I had nothing else to do.


I thought that it would be nice, but...

Ike: "Why isn't Kikyou-chan here, L/N?!"

I was walking around Keyaki Mall with Ike and Yamauchi. Kikyou had told me that she would wait for me in the entrance but when I got there, I only saw Ike and Yamauchi. Apparently, she had also asked for their help in order to pick a present for our classmate.

(Y/N): "Trust me Ike, I'm just as confused as you are." I responded with a deadpanned expression.

Yamauchi: "Well, Kushida-chan only said that she needed our help. She never said that she would come here with us."

She said that she would wait for me in the entrance though...

Ike: "Bullshit! If Kikyou-chan is not here, there's no meaning to this."

Ike turned around and started to walk away, Yamauchi following him.

(Y/N): "Think about it this way. Kikyou thinks of you as someone she can trust and has asked for your help in order to get a present for her friend. Wouldn't she be disappointed if you failed her?"

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