22- True colors

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Ibuki's pov

I let out a deep breath while I stood over Horikita, who was unconscious. Had she been in a better health, the match could've gone either way.

I resumed my work, and soon I'd dug up a flashlight and a wireless transceiver.

Ibuki: "What?"

Something made me feel uneasy. Somehow, the items seemed slightly different from when I had burried them.

Ibuki: "...It's probably because of the rain."

I decided that I was overthinking things. After that, I waited about half an hour until I saw the gleam of a flashlight. It blinked twice, then three times. Morse code.

I responded with the same signal, using the flashlight I had with me. Then I saw an irritating face that I didn't want to see. Ryuuen appeared.

Ryuuen: "Yo. Excellent work, Ibuki. You did well."

Ibuki: "Naturally, yes?"

Ryuuen: "Naturally? If you hadn't made any mistakes I wouldn't have to risk coming over here."

Ibuki: "That couldn't be helped. I didn't think that the digital camera would break."

If the camera hadn't broken, I would've just taken a picture of the keycard and that would be the end of it. But instead, I'd had to take a huge risk and hold onto the card, which led to Horikita discovering me.

Ryuuen: "So, where's the card?"

Ibuki: "It's here."

I took it from my pocket and handed it over. Ryuuen shined his flashlight on the card and confirmed that the name "Horikita Suzune" was clearly engraved upon it.

Ryuuen: "You come over here and confirm it too. That was your condition, wasn't it?"

A man appeared from the shadows. Katsuragi, from Class A. He was definetely the calm and dependable type, the complete opposite of our leader. However, this time it was different. He didn't appear to be calm at all. Ryuuen noticed this strange behaviour too.

Ryuuen: What's wrong?"

Katsuragi: "It's none of your business."

Ryuuen frowned, but didn't say anything. It was clear that there was something wrong with Katsuragi.

He took Horikita's card from Ryuuen and looked over it carefully.

Katsuragi: "It looks like the real thing."

Ryuuen: "Are you convinced now?"

Although he'd been show definitive proof, Katsuragi's expression didn't change.

Katsuragi: "I'll be heading back now." He said as he handed the keycard back to Ryuuen.

Ryuuen: "I also know who Class B's leader is. Are you sure you don't want me to tell you?"

It was a tempting offer, but Katsuragi ignored him and walked away.

Ibuki: "What's wrong with him?"

Ryuuen: "I don't like this."

For the first time since I met him, Ryuuen seemed to be nervous about something. He rules our class and apparently made some kind of deal with Class A behind the scenes. However, seeing Katsuragi's behaviour, something must've gone wrong.

Ryuuen: "Let's go." He glanced at Horikita, who was still unconscious and started to leave.

I walked toward her and, after carefully wipping my fingerprints from the keycard, stuck it back in her hand. There was nothing this girl could have done. All she could do now was endure and keep silent until the end of the test, all while knowing that Class C knew she was the leader.

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