35- Responsibilities

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(Y/N) pov

Two days after the basketball game I received a message from an unexpected person, asking me to meet him in the school.

The thought of going to the school made me whine. Most of the students would have the same reaction as me if they had to go to school in summer, but our reasons were probably different.

Take Ike for instance. How would he react if he was in my situation? He would complain and say something like: It's summer vacation, why do I have to go to school now? It's not fair!

I, on the other hand, had no problem with this. In fact, back when I joined this school, I couldn't wait for classes to start. Was I weird? Probably.

The problem was that this school was very strict when it came to some rules. Even if we were in holidays, we could still enter the school building if we wanted to, but it was imperative to wear the school uniform. The blazer, the trousers... in mid-summer! That should be illegal!

At least the school building is air conditioned, so I should be fine once I arrive... Even though I will probably melt on my way there.

Standing in the lobby, already dressed in my school uniform, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): "Three, two... one-"

Katsuragi: "What are you doing?"

I thought that there wasn't anyone in the lobby with me, so I was preparing myself mentally for the upcoming minutes of suffering that were awaiting me, but apparently someone saw me.

Well... This is embarrassing.

I turned around to see the familiar face of Katsuragi. I couldn't help but notice that he was also dressed in his school uniform.

(Y/N): "You're going to the school building too?"

Katsuragi: "Yes. I have some matters to attend to."

He gave this vibe of a responsible leader. How do I say this? It's hard to explain, but if Katsuragi was the person leading my class I wouldn't be worried. With this I'm not saying that Hirata is a bad leader, in fact he's a pretty good one, but... I don't know. It was my personal opinion, but I felt like Katsuragi was a more reliable person. It was a pity that we were in different classes.

(Y/N): "Is it okay if I go with you? I have something to do there too."

Maybe talking with someone on my way there will help me endure the heat...

Katsuragi: "Sure."

He opened the door and stepped out. I followed suit and as soon as I was outside of the lobby, I felt the urge go back. Katsuragi's pained expression showed that he felt the same, but none of us went back inside. The sooner we got this over with, the sooner we would be able to get back. And so, we started to walk towards the school.

(Y/N): "So... What do you have to do in the school?"

Katsuragi: "I want to talk with the student council president, so I'm heading there to find him."

(Y/N): "What a coincidence. I wanted to talk with the older Horikita too."

Katsuragi: "Older Horikita...?"

He frowned and looked at me with a confused expression, but then he seemed to realize.

Katsuragi: "Ah, that's right. Horikita from your class is the little sister of the student council president, right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

I referred to him as older Horikita because I already had one Horikita in my class and it would be confusing to call the two siblings by the same name. If I called one of them by their first name it should be fine, but...

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