15- Special test

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(Y/N) pov

Ike: "Woah! This is amaaaazing!"

Here, in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, we didn't feel the midsummer heat due to the sea breeze kissing our bodies.

Karuizawa: "What an incredible view! I'm super moved!"

Kushida: "Seriously, this is just amazing!"

After we finished the final exams without any incidents, the school arranged a two-week trip in a cruise.

Yamauchi: "Aren't you glad, Ken? If you got expelled, you wouldn't be here."

Sudo: "Heh. I told you there was nothing to worry about. With my skills, I had everything under control."

While everyone messed around, I just stood still while looking at the sea.

At 5 AM, the first year students went to Tokyo Bay by bus and the ship departed once we got there.

After having breakfast, we were allowed to move freely and use all the ship's facilities. If I had to guess, I'd say that we would have to pay 100,000 yen to take this cruise. However, the school covered all the costs.

Plus, we were able to use the ship's facilities for free. Which was great, because Class D barely had any points.

Kushida: "I wonder where Horikita-san is..."

Kushida stood next to me. She looked even better than usual with the ocean and the blue sky behind her.

(Y/N): "Horikita probably doesn't enjoy this kind of things, so I guess she's just in her room or something."

Kushida: "Probably."

Thanks to my incredible social skills, silence fell between us. I tried to say something, but nothing came to my mind.

Kushida: "Did you know? Apparently, this afternoon we can go to the island's private beach. I can't wait!"

The school owned a small island, that's where the ship was heading to.

"Kikyou-chan, look!"

A female student called Kushida.

Kushida: "I'm coming!"

Ike: "Kushida-chan is so cute..."

Yamauchi: "She's completely out of our league, though. Maybe I should start looking for another girl."

Ike: "I've made a decision. I will ask Kushida-chan out today."

Yamauchi: "Wait, really?!"

Ike: "Kushida-chan is on a whole different level, that's why people is afraid of confessing their feelings to her. Which means that she isn't used to love confessions, right? Her heart will be shaken by my declaration of love, and she will totally accept!"

That poor guy doesn't know where he's getting himself into.

Yamauchi: "I see... So you've made up your mind."

(Y/N): "Huh?"

Yamauchi: "What's wrong?"

Knowing him, I thought Yamauchi would say something like 'Hey! Don't steal my Kushida-chan!' or something like that.

(Y/N): "Err... Nothing."

Ike: "Hey, hey, Kushida-chan. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Kushida: "Hmm? What is it?"

Ike: "W-well... We met like four months ago, right? That's why I was wondering..."

Kushida tilted her head in confusion.

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