38- Meeting

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(Y/N) pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and raised my arm to look for my mobile, face still buried in my pillow.

(Y/N): "...Hello?"

Tachibana: "It's Tachibana."

I rubbed my eyes and glanced at my watch. When my phone rang, I thought that I had overslept and that most of the students were already awake, but it was still 9 am. Why would she call me so early in the morning?

(Y/N) "Who?"

Tachibana: "What do you mean, who?!"

(Y/N): "Ah, I remember now. The grumpy girl who is with the older Horikita all the time."

Tachibana: "G-grumpy?! What a disrespectful first year!"

Since she interrupted my sleep, I thought that I might as well tease her. Also, I was 90% sure that she called me this early on purpose, probably knowing that I would still be sleeping.

(Y/N): "Why did you call?"

Tachibana: "There will be a reunion today in the student council room. The president wants to talk about the second semester and what will happen from now on. It will also be an opportunity for the rest of the members to meet you."

(Y/N): "So he already told everyone that I'm joining?"

Tachibana: "Yes, everyone knows about it. They were quite surprised."

I sighed.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I can imagine."

Standing out and calling everyone's attention was probably the worst part of joining the student council. Not to mention that I was a Class D student. I could already imagine the rest of the members looking down on me.

Tachibana: "Anyways, the reunion will take place at 5 pm today. Don't be late."

(Y/N): "5 pm, huh? In that case, was it really necessary to call me this earl-?"

She hung up before I could finish my question.


It was around 4:30 pm when I left my room to head towards the school building. I was wearing my school uniform just like the last time I went there, but at least today it was cloudy. It would probably start raining in a few hours.

As I made my way towards the elevator, I couldn't help but think of how weird Horikita had been acting since I told her that I would join the student council. I thought that she would ask me about her brother or how I got accepted but, contrary to my expectations, she hadn't talked to me at all since the night I told her. I didn't know if I should be happy because she didn't try to interrogate me or scared of what she would do next time she saw me.

When the elevator's door opened, I was surprised to see Ike and Yamauchi inside. They seemed to be deep in thought.

(Y/N): "Hello."

Ike: "Hi. Why are you wearing the school uniform?"

(Y/N): "I'm going to the school building."

Yamauchi: "Dude, why would you go there in summer vacation?"

I shrugged. They would find out eventually and I didn't feel like telling them at that moment.

Ike: "Anyways, did you know? Apparently, Ken and Katsuragi are friends now."

(Y/N): "Are they?"

Yamauchi: "We saw them the other day. They were in the cafeteria and looked very happy for some reason."

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