11- A weird weekend

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(Y/N) pov

There were four dorm buildings in our campus. Three were for students, who stayed in the various dorms to which they were assigned from first through third year. In other words, our dorm building this year was the same one where last year's third-year students had lived. The fourth building housed the instructors and school employees.

What I'm saying is that since all of the first year students lived in the same building, inevitably we would meet students from other classes. Someone entered my field of vision. Our eyes naturally met.

"Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure." The girl spoke this greatful words to the dormitory manager, then called out to me.

Ichinose: "Hey, L/N-kun! Good morning. You're early."

(Y/N): "I woke up a little earlier today. What were you talking about with the manager?" I asked.

Ichinose: "Some people from my class wanted to make requests about their dorms. I gathered everyone's thoughts on the matter and told the dorm manager. Stuff like water usage, noise and stuff."

(Y/N): "You did all that, Ichinose?"

I thought that individuals handled their own room issues. Why would Ichinose go through all that trouble?

"Good morning, Class Rep Ichinose!"

Two girls who were getting off the elevator called out to Ichinose. She greeted back.

(Y/N): "Class Rep? Why Class Rep?"

I hadn't heard of any "class rep" position before.

Ichinose: "I'm my class' representative. It seems like that, anyway."

(Y/N): "Your class' representative? Do all classes except for D have someone like that, too?"

Ichinose: "No, that's just something Class B set up on its own. I think it's good to have some assigned roles, right?"

(Y/N): "Seems like you have taken the lead of your class."

Without meaning to, I expressed my honest feelings.

Ichinose: "Do you think it's weird? It's all purely informal. Besides, there are quite a few troublemakers. We have to deal with a lot of stuff."

As she said "We have to deal with a lot of stuff" she laughed. The two of us started walking to school together.

Ichinose: "Aren't you usually a little late? This reminds me that I've never seen you around at this time."

(Y/N): "I guess I'm kind of a sleepyhead."

Ichinose laughed.

"Good morning, Ichinose!"

"Good morning, Ichinose-san!"

Ichinose, who was walking next to me, monopolized all the girls' attention.

(Y/N): "You sure are popular." I said.

Ichinose: "I just stand out because I'm the class rep. That's all."

It didn't seem like she was trying to act modest. Apparently that's how she truly thought. She had this charismatic force that pulled everyone's focus.

Ichinose: "Ah, that reminds me. Did you hear about summer break, L/N-kun?"

(Y/N): "Summer break? No. I mean, isn't it just summer break?"

Ichinose: "I've heard rumors that we might be taking vacation to a tropical island."

(Y/N): "Hmm..."

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