6 - Maybe we aren't that different

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Kushida's pov

It was Friday, a week had passed since Sudou – kun almost got expelled. The class seemed to be fine with it, and we got 87 class points, which means we got 8,700 private points. It wasn't much, but it was still better than 0 points.

''Kikyou – chan, wanna hang out?''

Kushida: ''Sorry, I've got something to do today, maybe next time, okay?''

That was a lie. To be honest, I didn't feel like going out with anyone. Lately, I have been really stressed, being nice to everyone was stressful enough by itself, and now, one of my classmates knows how I really am, something that I have been trying to hide.

His name is Y/N L/N, and to be honest, I don't know what to think of him. If it wasn't for that incident in the rooftop, I would think of him as an average guy, who doesn't know how to socialize.

But after seeing how he really is, I can't help but being wary of him.

''Oh, okay. See you, kikyou – chan!''

At that moment, I only wanted to get to my room and rest. I was about to leave but...

(Y/N): ''Hey, Kushida.''

I was approached by the last person who I wanted to talk to. I faked a smile and answered.

Kushida: ''Yes, L/N – kun?''

The class wasn't empty yet, so I had to pretend.

(Y/N): ''Do you have something to do today?''

What is he trying to do?

Kushida: ''No, but I am a bit tired. I was about to go to the dorms and-''

(Y/N): ''Great then, we are going to the cinema today.''


(Y/N): ''I'll wait for you in the lobby at 6 pm.''

Kushida: ''Huh?''


L/N – kun and I were now heading to the cinema.

Kushida: ''What are you plotting, L/N – kun?''

(Y/N): ''What do you mean?''

Kushida: ''We both know that you wouldn't call me if you didn't have an ulterior motive.''

(Y/N): ''Wow Kushida, that's what you think about me? That really hurts...''

Kushida: ''Stop pretending and tell me what you really want.''

(Y/N): ''You know, back in middle school I wasn't the most popular guy around. In fact, I didn't have any friends.''

Yeah, I can tell.

(Y/N): ''So I wanted to experience how it was to hang around with someone, and you were the only one who I could call. Horikita would kick me if I asked her...''

That's all? I'm wasting my Friday afternoon because of this?

(Y/N): ''Don't give me that face! You literally hang out with everyone! And you probably don't even like them-''

Kushida: ''Shhh!''

This guy... But he wasn't entirely wrong.

Kushida: ''Fine, I'll do it.''

(Y/N): ''Thanks.''

Kushida: ''By the way, don't you have any clothes besides the school uniform? Every time I see you, you are wearing it.''

I went to my room before, and changed to my casual clothes. But I have never seen L/N – kun without his school uniform.

(Y/N): ''No, I don't.''

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