Chapter One

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My alarm went off and I groaned. It was too early, for everything, but it was my first day of the last school year. I pushed the blanket away and stood up. I did everything I needed to do, before I left for school and looked at my schedule.

I had received my schedule this weekend and luckily for me, I had only theater class and art today. So today would be stress-free.

Before summer break, I got the information that we will get a new teacher in theater and I'm really curious, who it will be. Some of my classmates speculations were, that it will be a celebrity, but I didn't believe in that. Okay back to reality now, I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car. I had enough time and decided that I could buy me something to drink at Starbucks.

Driving to my school, I parked next to a really nice car. It was an Audi A7 and I looked closely at it. In my childhood, I always wanted to drive an Audi, but the older I got the more I realized how expensive such a car is. That sounds like I'm a really old woman, but I'm 22, really!

 That sounds like I'm a really old woman, but I'm 22, really!

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I got out and walked inside the school building. Normally I would be the one of the early birds, but today my friends were there already. "Hey (Y/N)" (Y/F/N) shouted. I looked confused and asked "What are you doing here already?" My friends smiled and they just shrugged their shoulders. "Speak up" I demanded. "Okay okay, we wanted to see if the rumors were true." I sighed. "What rumors?" My best friend linked her arm through mine and started to walk. "That Miss Sarah Catharine Paulson is our new theater teacher." "What? Why would she teach some students?" I asked confused. "Maybe our principal begged her on his knees" (Y/F/N) giggled. I shook my head and in realized that we stood before our lockers. I opened it and put my books in it. "Hey where's Oliver (Y/N)?" Oliver is my boyfriend, but at the moment it felt like I couldn't breathe in his presence and would murder him any second. "I don't know, I'm not his babysitter." My best friends eyes widened and she quickly threw her hands up. "Relax, I was just asking. Is everything okay between you and Oliver?" I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Just as I wanted to answer, I felt someone watching me. Turning around, I saw that it was Oliver who walked directly to me and (Y/F/N). "Hey babe" he kissed me and I forced a smile. "Hey." I hated it when he calls me babe. I know, I know, everyone likes that nickname, but not me.

"Are you okay? You didn't replied to my texts." He asked worried and I closed my locker. "Yeah. I didn't charged my phone, that's probably why I didn't respond." That's a lie, but he didn't need to know this, right? Oliver nodded and grabbed my hand. (Y/F/N) was on my other side and we walked to our first class. It was theater and good for me, Oliver wasn't in it. We said goodbye and my best friend and me walked to our desk. We sat down and she immediately got back to her question. "So tell me, what's wrong between Oliver and you?" I laid my head on the table and inhaled deeply. "I don't know, he's annoying me. I think I don't love him anymore." She rubbed my back and whispered "Are you still happy, when you're with him?" I thought about it some minutes and shook my head. "No." "Then I think, you should break up with him." Tears started to form in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. The bell rang and we waited for our new teacher.

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