Chapter Twenty-one

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After an hour we were finally in our rooms and started unpacking. Sarah and me had of course two beds, but that was unnecessary. We both knew, we would sleep in one bed. Sarah was currently with the principal to get through some important things for the next days and I unpacked my suitcase. After that was done I thought about unpacking her stuff too, but just as I wanted to grab it the door opened. I turned around quickly and stumbled to my knees. "Just me sweetheart" Sarah giggled and helped me up. "What were you doing?" "I thought about unpacking your suitcase too, since I finished with mine." I told her and opened a water bottle. "How nice of you, but it's okay. There's something in it, you're not allowed to see" she told me and winked. I coughed and couldn't stop the curiosity. "And what would that be?" "I told you, you're not allowed to see it."

I slumped down on the bed and pouted. "Why not. Do you already have secrets?" Sarah came to my side and caressed my cheeks, pushing some hair from my face. "No love, but it's something for you and I don't wanted you to see it." Our eyes locked and my hand laid at her neck. I pushed her down to me and kissed her. "What is it? Please tell me." She sighed and said "You're irresistible, you know that right?" I nodded and smiled wide. She opened her suitcase and rummaged through it. She pulled a little box out of it and sat down next to me.

She gave it to me, but stopped me immediately. "Before you open it, I wanted to say that I love you so much and it's a little gift for me what you can wear all the time without getting into trouble." "I love you too Sarah" I whispered and opened the box. In it were a necklace with a little diamond attached. It was simple, but so beautiful.

I had tears in my eyes and motioned for Sarah to put the necklace around my neck

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I had tears in my eyes and motioned for Sarah to put the necklace around my neck. "Thank you Sar, it's beautiful." Just as we closed the gap between us someone knocked on the door. We sighed, but I stood up. "Coming" I shouted and opened it. (Y/F/N) stood there and smiled. "Do you want to come with us? We wanted to check out the place. Maybe we can get you a hot boy to make out with" she giggled and I blushed. "I'll come with you, but I'm not interested in the make out part" I said and felt Sarah's body behind me. "Hey Ms. Paulson are we allowed to go out? Or is there something we need to do today?" (Y/F/N) asked her. "No you can go out, but not to long, behave and stay together" she said and her hand brushed against my lower back. (Y/F/N) smiled wide and ran to the others. "Behave or I'll punish you little girl" Sarah whispered in my ear and I gulped. "Yes Ms. Paulson" I whispered back and walked back into the room to pick up my purse and mobile.

I met the others in the floor and Sarah said to us "Have fun girls."

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