Chapter Six

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At school I shuffled to my locker. "Okay what did I have today?" I asked myself and looked at my schedule. Math, Science and Theater. "I hate math" I groaned and grabbed my books. My eyes itched and I rubbed them. A yawn came out of my mouth and someone touched my shoulder. My books fell to the ground and I screamed. It was (Y/F/N). "You're such a bitch" I yelled and held my hand above my heart. She snickered and picked my books up. "I'm sorry. You look horrible." I huffed and said "Yeah thanks. I slept maybe 3 hours tonight." She looked worried at me and touched my shoulder again."Everything okay?" she asked and I shrugged with my shoulders.

The both of us started to walk in the direction of our first class and I told her about my worries and that I texted with Sarah tonight. "Really? What did she wrote?" I pulled my phone out and handed it to her. She read the messages and smirked. "I told you that she's into you." "Stop saying this (Y/F/N)! She's not into me."

"What are you two talking about?" Sarah suddenly said behind us. We both jumped and turned around. "Nothing" we said in unison. Sarah narrowed her eyes, but just for a second. She touched my arm and asked "(Y/N) are you okay? Did you got some sleep last night after we texted?" I nodded and looked at her hand. (Y/F/N) eyed the spectacle in front of her and smirked. "Yes, I slept about 3 hours" I answered Sarah. She bit her lip and my focus switched to her lips. Our eyes met again and she smiled.

The bell rang and saved me. I grabbed my best friends hand and hurried to our first class. She opened her mouth to say something, but I interrupted her. "Don't you dare say another word about her." She laughed, but didn't said anything. We sat down at our tables and I took my books out. Halfway through the lesson my phone buzzed and I looked up, if my teacher was watching. He wasn't. I expected (Y/F/N) to write me, but it wasn't her. My eyes widened and I saw a different name. My pulse quickened and I looked up to (Y/F/N). She noticed my stare and I whispered "Did you change Sarah's contact name?" She giggled silently and nodded. I kicked her leg and she yelped. My phone buzzed again and I looked at it.

I was confused, why she would like to meet with me, but I accepted her offer

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I was confused, why she would like to meet with me, but I accepted her offer. Just as I replied to her, my teacher yelled at me. "Miss (Y/L/N)! Put your phone away or I read your messages out loud for everyone to hear."
I quickly send the message and answered my teacher. "You can't. It's against the law." My classmates giggled and he turned red. "If you say one more thing, you'll have detention today." I nodded and shut my mouth. My thoughts wandered to Sarah and why she wanted to meet me.

Hey guys, I'm so glad you're enjoying this story. And thanks for all the lovely comments 💕

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