Chapter Thirty

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"Shit" Sarah whispered and looked at me. Some while ago I shifted my position and my head was now in her lap, facing her stomach. "Yeah?" Sarah said a little bit louder whiteout waking me up. The door opened and Ryan came in. Sarah sighed and said "Thank God it's you." He looked at Sarah and me and said "You need to explain this to me in a quiet moment, but I wanted to look after her. Is she okay?" Sarah nodded and answered "Yeah, that accident was exhausting for her, but she's fine now. I think it will bruise nonetheless, I could kill Holland for that."

Sarah felt me stir and stroked my hair. I yawned and squeezed her hand which I was holding. "Hey love, wake up" She said and kissed the side of my face. My eyes opened, after I turned around and landed on Ryan. I shoot up and tensed immediately. "It's okay. I'm sure Ryan will keep our secret to himself. But we should get back to the group." Ryan nodded and smiled at me. "I will take your secret into my grave" he said and I giggled. I looked at Sarah and her eyes widened. "What? What's wrong?" Her fingers ghosted above my cheek and she whispered "It's a bruise now. First the wound, now a bruise. I'm not good for you." "Don't say that, nothing of this is your fault. Let's forget it and get back" I said to her and kissed her hand. Ryan left the trailer and Sarah kissed me. "Love you" I whispered and she returned it. "Love you more."

We walked back to the class and I walked straight to my friends. (Y/F/N) threw her arms around me and asked if everything was okay. "Yeah I'm okay. My cheek still hurts a little bit, but it's better know. Ms. Paulson gave me an ice pack to cool it." "I'm happy you're alright. You haven't missed much. We saw a little bit more of the editing stuff and we just wanted to head over to the set." I smiled and linked my arm through hers.

We walked to the set and saw Emma. She waved as she saw me and I waved back. "She's really nice" Jasmine said next to us and I said "Oh right, I didn't asked you how it was with her. I'm so sorry." Jasmine smiled and told us that Emma is a really nice person and they talked about so much things. "Did you got her phone number?" I smirked at her, knowing exactly about her crush on Emma. Jasmine reddened and I squealed "I knew it!" I hugged her and felt a wave of happiness through my body. I was happy for Jasmine and looked at Sarah. My heart fluttered at the sight of her and I felt warmth inside me. I couldn't explain how much I love that woman.

Sarah noticed my stare and winked at me. I blushed and played with the necklace she gave me. "Stop flirting" (Y/F/N) whispered in my ear and I flinched. "That obvious?" I asked and she nodded. I groaned and concentrated on the actors.

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