Chapter Ten

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I pushed my phone under my pillow and ignored her text

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I pushed my phone under my pillow and ignored her text. Tears streamed down my face and I laid down.

The next days I wasn't allowed to go to school, because of my accident. My best friend told me everything I needed to know about homework and what happened at school. We both sat on my bed and talked about school when my phone buzzed. I look at the display and pushed it back under my pillow. (Y/F/N) immediately knew who wrote me and mumbled "You know, Miss Paulson asks me every day how you're doing. She looks miserable." My head shot up and I asked what she meant. "Her hair is messy, she has dark circles under her eyes. It seems like she hasn't slept in days." Guilt bubbled up in my chest and I told my best friend about the kiss.

"But why are you avoiding her? Don't you like her?" (Y/F/N) asked.

"Of course I like her. She's Sarah Paulson after all."

"You always had that huge crush on her, what changed?"

"That she's my teacher now? I never expected to meet her in real life."

My best friend frowned. "But (Y/N), now you have the chance to really get to know her. She's our teacher yes, but who cares. If you like her, than take your chance and stop avoiding her." She grabbed my phone and handed it to me. I look up at her confused and waited for an explanation. (Y/f/N) stood up and grabbed her stuff. "Text her."
She left and I sat on my bed looking at the now empty door frame. I sighed and unlocked my phone.

I inhaled deeply and walked downstairs

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I inhaled deeply and walked downstairs. I still needed to walk with the crutches, but it was okay. When I reached the floor, I heard a knock on the door.

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