Chapter Twenty-seven

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"But you said you love Emma" Sarah frowned. "I said I loved Madison in Apocalypse", I said and took a deep breath, "I love you Sarah." She took my head in her hands and pulled me down to her lips. Sarah kissed me passionately and whispered "I love you too. I can't wait for you to graduate and then I can show the whole word that I love you." We got interrupted because one of our phones buzzed and we sighed. It was Sarah's phone and she grabbed it. "Oh no" she frowned and I asked what was wrong. "Nothing sweetheart" she said too quickly and tried to put her phone back, but I grabbed it. I read the message and asked her angry "What is that? Why is Holland texting you?"
Sarah gulped and looked at me. "Answer me!" I demanded. "She heard that I am on set these days and want to visit me." I stood up and took some space between us. "Why? I thought you two broke up, are you playing with me Sarah?" Tears streamed down my face and my hands clenched to fists. "What? No! I don't know why she want to visit me. We broke up a long time ago, you know that. I would never hurt you or play with you. Please believe me" Sarah said frustrated. She tried to grab my hands but I flinched away. "Don't touch me!" I ran to the door, pulled it open and ran out of the room and down the corridor.

(Y/F/N) saw me and hurried after me. "What happened?" she yelled after me. "Nothing! Leave me alone!" I cried and ran out of the hotel. (Y/F/N) followed me the whole time and catched me at a park. "(Y/N) talk to me! What happened?" I sniffled and she hugged me.

We walked to a park bench and I said "Holland wants to visit Sarah on the set." "But they broke up and why are you crying?" I didn't know how I could explain it to her and instead showed her a picture of Sarah and me kissing. "I'm in a relationship with Sarah Paulson" I whispered to her and wiped my tears away. "What? Why didn't you tell me? Did she gave you that hickey?" (Y/F/N) was frustrated with me. "Yeah she was it. We wanted to keep it a secret, because I'm her student and she could get fired because of me." "That's why she was so angry with Emma kissing you" (Y/f/N) put the pieces together. I nodded and sobbed. She threw her arm around my shoulders and said "Hey don't cry. I think Sarah don't wants to see Holland. I watched you two a long time now and I can tell that she is head over heels for you." "You're sure?" "I am. In fact I'm 100% sure she wants to talk to you" she said and I looked at her. "How do you know that?" She look ahead of us and I followed her gaze. Sarah stood some meters before us and scratched her neck nervously. "I'll leave you two alone" she whispered and stood up. (Y/F/N) walked to Sarah and whispered something to her. Sarah nodded and came to me.

She sat down next to me and said nothing. She just laid her hand out for me to grab it. I waited a few minutes, but then took it. She squeezed it and began to talk. "I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I promise you that I don't want to see Holland or will hurt you. You're so important to me and I couldn't handle it if I would ever hurt you. Please (Y/N) trust me. I love you, with all my heart." "I'm sorry for my reaction" I whispered. "No don't be. You have all the right to. I should be sorry. If we could just make our relationship official, then there weren't such problems." "But it's not possible, not yet' I whispered and leaned against her. Her arms went around my body and she hugged me closer to her. "Let's go back to the hotel, I really want to cuddle you properly." I smiled and nodded. We stood up and walked back and up to our room.

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