Chapter Forty One

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At her home she helped me out of the car and inside the house. A thought came to my mind and I stopped walking. "What is it?" Sarah asked worried. "I don't have any clothes with me" I said and frowned. Sarah smiled and kissed my cheek. "Yes you have, you slept here more than one time and have a good amount of clothes here." I looked impressed at her and she giggled. "Really?" I asked confused. "Yes, really my love." Sarah stroked some strands of my hair behind one ear and guided me inside.

In her living room she sat me on the couch and asked if I needed anything. I declined and looked around. There were a few pictures of her at official events and some of me and her together. I searched my phone, what luckily didn't crashed after the accident and unlocked it. It was the first time since everything that had happened that I looked at it. I smiled at my background and opened the messages I wrote with Sarah. I'd hoped to remember anything if I read them again, but nothing happened. I sighed and threw the phone on the couch. "Don't stress yourself" Sarah came back with something to drink and eat for us and sat down next to me.

I began to cry and said "But it's so annoying that I can remember all the things I known and used to do, but not my girlfriend. What's wrong with me?" "Nothing is wrong with you love, it can happen sometimes. You just shouldn't stress yourself so much. This needs time" Sarah said and leaned against me. It was difficult to properly cuddle her, because of the broken arm and leg.

"Do you need anything?" Sarah asked me again after some time and I shook my head. "No, I'm good. A little bit tired maybe and I smell like the hospital, but it's okay." Sarah stood up and held her hand out for me. "Come, it's already late and we can get ready for bed. I'll help you." I nodded and grabbed her hand. She helped me to the bathroom and wanted to start undressing me. I stopped her and blushed. "It's okay my love, it's nothing I hadn't seen before" Sarah said and caressed my arm. "Really?" I asked quietly and she nodded. Sarah took the hem of my shirt and leaned down to me. "Yes, I already saw you naked. Mostly sweating and panting heavy" she whispered in my ear. I gulped and blushed even more. "Let me undress you okay?" she asked and I nodded, not trusting my voice.

She was really careful with undressing me and when I was completely naked she said "It's just fair for you, if I undress myself too." "It is" I whispered and waited. She took her clothes off too and I felt fire in my abdomen at the sight in front of me. Sarah came closer to me and her hand ghosted over my skin. "If you weren't hurt I would take you right now" she whispered and kissed my neck. I moaned as a response and she sucked hard on my neck, leaving a hickey. "Would you like that?" she asked me. "Yes" I answered but she drew back.

Sarah helped me wash my body and hair and she herself took a quick shower. She brought me fresh panties and a oversized shirt from her. "Even if I prefer you in just your panties or naked, I don't want you to get sick too" she said and helped me with the panties. She left a kiss on my stomach and carefully pulled the shirt over my head.

Sarah herself just put on some underwear and nothing else. "I hope it's okay for you when I'm only wearing this. It's just too hot for more" she said sheepish. I nodded eager and tried to climb into bed on my own. "Let me help you my love" Sarah quickly stood next to me and helped. After I laid down she climbed in too and I tried to cuddle with her. "If you're in pain, than please wake me up" Sarah whispered and kissed my head. "I will" I whispered back and fell asleep. I hadn't seen the tears that streamed down Sarah's face and when she noticed that I was asleep she sobbed and whispered "I hope you will remember me."

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