Chapter Thirty Six

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I walked downstairs to my parents and joined them at the breakfast table. My mom handed me some toast and I thanked her. "I need to talk with you guys" I said quietly and looked at my plate. "Everything okay honey?" asked my mother. I shrugged and said "You remember when I told you that Sarah Paulson is my teacher now?" My parents nodded and my mom smirked. "Yeah and I remember the huge crush you had on her." I laughed nervously and scratched my neck. "Well, that's the reason I wanted to talk to you. I hope you will accept this and don't hate me" I stuttered out. My mom took my hand and said "Let me guess. You're in a relationship with her, right?" My eyes turned as big as my plate and my jaw hang open. "How do you know?" I asked shocked. "We saw how you guys looked at each other when we picked you up yesterday" my dad said and tears streamed down my face. "Yes I am in a relationship with her and I hope you are okay with it. It would destroy me, if you were against it." My parents didn't said anything and I got nervous as fuck. Then my mother smiled and told me "Of course we are okay with it. Sure, it's a little bit weird that Sarah is closer to our age than yours, but I think she's good for you. You're so happy since we came back from our business trip and I always wanted to know what changed." I stood up and hugged them both. "You guys are the best, you know that right?" "Yes, we know" My dad laughed and kissed my head. I sat down on my seat again and began to eat.

After breakfast I texted Sarah.

I waited for her to respond, but nothing came

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I waited for her to respond, but nothing came. My mind razed and I thought if she told me anything important that she needed to do, but nothing came up. I got impatient and was about to text her again when her picture popped up on my display. She was calling me and I picked up immediately. "Hey Sar" I greeted her. "What did they say about us?" was all Sarah said, not even a Hello. "Hey sweetheart, sorry I didn't respond" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry my love, I just really want to know what they said. I was in the shower when you texted, I'm really sorry" she told me. I laughed a little bit and told her that my parents were happy for me and that they always knew about my crush on her. Sarah squealed and my ear hurts after that a little bit, but I laughed. "That's so great. I really was worried that they won't accept it because of the age difference and that I'm your teacher" Sarah said excited. "Yeah I thought the same, but surprisingly they only mentioned your age and not the teacher student debacle" I smiled.

It was quiet for a minute and then I asked her "Hey Sar, is the offer still available?" "What offer?" she asked confused. "That I could sleep at yours. You mentioned it yesterday at the bar, remember?" I said and bit my lip. "Of course, I would love, if you would sleep here. I secretly hoped that you would come over for the weekend."

"Okay, then I will tell my parents and come to yours this evening" I suggested and waited for Sarah's response. "Would you like to come here in a few minutes? I really want to see you." "Sure, I will text you okay?" "Okay, love you" Sarah said and made a kissing noise. "Love you too Sar." The call ended and I ran down to my parents. I asked them if I could sleep at Sarah's tonight and they said yes. I was so happy right now. In my room I grabbed my bag and threw some clothes in it and everything else I needed. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room. "Bye" I shouted at our front door and my parents shouted their goodbyes back. I giggled at the silliness of me and my parents and walked to my car.

As I sat in my car, on my way to Sarah I listened to some music and sang along. I had to wait on a traffic light and when it turned green I drove off. But then something terrible happened.

Another car crashed into mine. It hit my car so hard that it flipped over and landed on its roof. I felt blood tickle down my head and I couldn't breathe. I tried to escape out of it, but I couldn't move. I tried to look around, but I felt dazed. Before I lost consciousness I heard sirens and my phone ringing.

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