Chapter Fourteen

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The bruises on my back were hurting and my wound on the cheeks itched, but it was okay. In my bedroom I fell down on my bed and slept in.

It was nearly 3pm, when the doorbell woke me up. I groaned and shouted "Coming!" I walked without my crutches down the stairs and opened the door. My eyes widened. "Sarah? What are you doing here?" "I wanted to see if you were okay, since your parents aren't home" she told me and I nodded. She looked hopeful and I stepped aside. "To be honest, I could need some help with changing the bandages around my torso" I mumbled and looked down. Sarah closed the door and brought her arm around my waist. "Lead the way" she smiled down to me and I walked with her to the bathroom.

We were right opposite each other and Sarah bit her lower lip. "You need to get out of that shirt" she mumbled and I blushed. "Oh yeah, you're right." I took my shirt off and blushed even more. Sarah's hands ghosted over the bandages and looked in my eyes, asking silently for permission. I nodded and she loosened it.

After the bandages were off Sarah stood behind me and caressed my back. "Are you in pain sweetheart?" "Not much." "How long do you need the bandages and the crutches?" "Two more days and I'm free" I told her and she laughed. Oh God I love that laugh. I inhaled deeply and smelled her perfume. It gave me immediately goosebumps and Sarah noticed it. Her hands stroked my arms and she asked "Are you cold? I'm sorry, I should bring on the fresh bandages." "I'm not cold, it's your perfume. It's smells really good" I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear it. Sarah turned me around and I saw that her cheeks were very red. She hold my chin with her forefinger and thumb and looked me deeply in the eyes. "(Y/N) I can't control myself, when you say such things." "I know and I'm sorry, but it's true. I mean first of all you look just to gorgeous to ignore you and you smell really good." "Please (Y/N), let me kiss you."

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