Chapter Seven

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My day was really hard and boring. In theater I couldn't concentrate on my task and ruined our work. We had to pair up and come up with some ideas for a short performance. My concentration was very low and I kept staring at Sarah. She looked breathtaking in that black outfit. And that her blouse was see-through wasn't helping.

Every now and then I stared at her black bra

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Every now and then I stared at her black bra. Jasmine, my partner and other close friend nudged my shoulder and tried to catch my attention. "(Y/N), what are you looking at?" "What?" I said and looked at her. "What are you looking at?" she repeated her question. "Nothing, I was just looking out the window" I told her and my cheeks reddened. It was a lie of course, but I couldn't admit that I was looking at Sarah the whole time. I hope she didn't noticed it. But she did, of course and came straight to the both of us. "(Y/N) are you alright? You seem a little bit off today." My eyes flickered to her chest for a millisecond and I blushed. "Yeah, everything is fine. I just can't concentrate, that's all." Sarah bit her lip and told us to try again and perform.

Our performance was bad. No, that is still nicely expressed. It was HORRIBLE! I couldn't remember one single thing. I sighed frustrated and facepalmed myself. Without permission from Sarah, I left the classroom and went to the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw dark circles under my eyes. As I splashed some water in my face, the door opened and I expected my best friend behind me, but my eyes met a different pair of eyes through the mirror. "I'm sorry Miss Paulson, I shouldn't have left without permission" I mumbled and looked down. Sarah turned me around and hugged me. "What's wrong?" she whispered and I drew a deep breath in. Sarah's perfume smelled really good and it calmed me down. I hugged her back and answered. "I'm just so tired and I can't concentrate." "Where's your mind? Are you thinking about Oliver?" My head laid on her chest and I heard her heartbeat. "No, I don't think about Oliver. Sure I couldn't sleep because of the breakup, but that's not why I can't concentrate." Sarah caressed my hair and I realized how close I was to her. I wiggled out of her hug and took a step back. She tried to touch my arm, but I stopped her. "No, please stop. Why are you so nice to me? It's so confusing for me and than your outfit! I can't stop looking at you and that's not good. I'm your student, Sarah! I shouldn't stare at my teacher." Tears streamed down my face and I ran out of the room. I quickly ran to the classroom, grabbing my stuff and heading to my car. I don't care if I got detention for leaving school, but I couldn't be in Sarah's classroom for the rest of the lesson. It was all too much and I needed time to think.

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