Chapter Twelve

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The next week started and I was allowed to go back to the school. The weekend was hard, because I tried to organize my feelings for Sarah. I couldn't drive myself to school, but my neighbor offered to drive me. Like all mondays my day started with theater and that meant I would see Sarah. "Great" I whispered to myself and walked inside the building. My friends were already there and were happy to see me. "(Y/N)! You're back!" Jasmine yelled excited. I laughed as she threw her arms around me. I missed my friends these past few days, but I was totally nervous to see Sarah. "You okay?" (Y/F/N) whispered as she hugged me. "Of course" I forced a smile. I hadn't told her what happened between Sarah and me. It was for the best to keep that a secret.

We walked to Sarah's classroom and saw that she was already there, preparing the lesson. She stood at the chalkboard and wrote something when I noticed her outfit. She wore a black blazer and wide black trousers, but what got my attention was the white crop shirt. I could see her toned stomach and blushed.

One of my crutches fell to the ground and everyone got an immense fright

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One of my crutches fell to the ground and everyone got an immense fright. Luckily there were just me, my friends and Sarah in the classroom. Sarah looked at me and hurried to my side, picking my crutch up and giving it back to me. Our hands touched a little bit too long and she whispered "Good Morning sweetheart." My cheeks reddened even more and I could only nod. Sarah drew her hand back and I walked to my table, next to (Y/f/N). "What was that?" she asked. "Nothing" I murmured and laid my head on the table. It should be illegal for teachers to wear such outfits. Sarah looked awesome and my eyes wandered on its own accord to her stomach.

In the middle of the lesson I couldn't stand it anymore and just wanted to have a break. Pain shot through my feet and Sarah's appearance wasn't helpful either. My hand shot up and Sarah asked what was wrong. "Can I talk to you alone for a second Miss Paulson?" She nodded and we walked out of the room. She closed the door and turned to me with worry in her eyes. "Is everything okay (Y/N)?" I shook my head and said quietly "No! My feet hurts and you're distracting me." Sarah's eyes widened. "Why am I distracting you?" I looked around if anyone was nearby, when I was sure nobody could see us my fingers ghosted over her stomach. "That outfit. It's distracting." Sarah's muscles tensed and she whispered "But you like it, don't you?" "I do" I whispered and looked up at her.

Sarah stepped closer to me and whispered "I really like to kiss you right now." My hand stopped wandering and I locked eyes with her. "We can't." Her gaze dropped and she nodded. "I know, sorry."

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