Chapter Twenty

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We sat in her car in front of my home and Sarah leaned over to me. "See you tomorrow little girl" she said and kissed me. "Bye Sar" I pecked her lips again and climbed out of the car. In our floor was a mirror and I walked past it. I noticed something and walked back. I gasped and whispered "Bitch." On my neck was a huge hickey and so dark, that I couldn't hide it with make up.

The next 2 weeks past really slowly. My best friends asked me all the time about the hickey and who I was seeing. Oliver yelled at me and suspected me, that I had cheated on him and that this was the real reason why I broke up with him. Sarah was amused by all of that, but she yelled at Oliver for saying such things to me. It was really hard to act normal around each other at school, but we had several secret meetings throughout the classes. We met at the toilets when nobody was there, or in the empty locker room. We took every chance we could get.

But here we are now, on our way to the hotel we're staying in for the next few days. In the foyer of the hotel Sarah and our principal (he insisted to come with us, ugh) shouted to get our attention. We gathered around them and quit our conversations. "Okay guys, listen up. We have a little problem. We have one student to much with us, that means one of you need to share a room with Ms. Paulson" our principal said. "Is there anyone who would volunteer?" he asked and the whole foyer was silent. You could hear a needle drop.

"I think (Y/N) wouldn't mind sharing a room with Ms. Paulson" (Y/F/N) yelled and smirked. My eyes widened and I looked shocked at her. "What? Why would I?" I whispered to her and looked at Sarah. Her eyes sparkled at the thought of sharing her room with me. "Because she's your celebrity crush" my best friend giggled and pushed me forward. "Excellent. The others can go pick out their roommates and soon we will get up to the rooms" the principal said and walked to the group of students behind me.

I stood there like frozen and Sarah came to me. "So we two huh" she smiled and I nodded. "This can't go well" I whispered and smirked. In the last two weeks Sarah and I got even closer than we already were.

One night I slept at hers and told my parents I was at (Y/F/N)s. The thing was, nobody knew about Sarah and me. We couldn't risk it to tell anyone. That night we made out a little bit to long and let's just say, we both woke up naked in each other's arms.

Sarah snapped with her fingers in front of my face to get my attention. "Sorry I zoned out for a moment. Did you say something?" Sarah chuckled and repeated what she said "I said, we should grab our suitcases and go to our suite."

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