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A few months had passed and I had started with school to become an actress. Sarah and me had our marriage made official after I got the acceptance letter from the new school and the social media's were writing about it for a few weeks, but we couldn't care less. We were happy and enjoyed ourselves.

I just came out of school and was quick at home to change in some sport clothes and walked down the street to my fitness center.

I just came out of school and was quick at home to change in some sport clothes and walked down the street to my fitness center

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I had earphone in and texted Sarah to let her know that I'm on my way to fitness. She was busy with filming a movie with Cate Blanchett, which she couldn't tell me what it's about. I always tried to make her spoil something, but nothing worked. She had perfected to not spoil anything, because she once let something of the new American Horror Story Season slip.

As I walked and listened to my music someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Holland and she yelled at me, I think? I couldn't hear her. I noticed some people around us had stopped walking and stared at us. I removed my earphones and said politely "Hello Holland. What do you want?" "What I want? I want Sarah back. You just married her for your own sake. You use her for your career you try to start." She screamed at me and I raised one eyebrow.

Some people filmed our discussion and I answered "Listen Holland, I don't know what's going on in your brain, but I definitely didn't married Sarah for my own sake, like you call it. I married her or better she married me, because we love each other and support the other. That's something you didn't do. You pushed her away and weren't good enough for her. You're pathetic. " Holland turned red and her fist connected with my lip.

My hand flew up to my mouth and I saw the blood. The people around us gasped and some older woman came up to us and asked "I'm sorry, but is she bothering you?" Holland looked at her and said "She is." The woman looked at Holland and narrowed her eyes. "I didn't talked to you. I asked the young Mrs. Paulson." My eyes widened and I smiled gratefully at her. "Oh, thank you. It's okay, I can handle her. We're done talking anyway. Isn't that right Holland?" She didn't said anything and I thanked the woman again and walked away. My lip was still bleeding and I pressed a tissue on it. "Damn it" I whispered as I walked back to the house.

When I was back at home, I immediately grabbed our first aid kit and cleaned my wound. It was already late and I didn't expected Sarah to be home today. I got me something to cool my lip and heard the front door open. I got scared and looked a little around the corner to see who was in my house. I gasped when someone pulled me to their body and I immediately recognized the perfume. "What are you doing home Sar?" I whispered and melted into her body. "I saw videos how Holland punched you in the middle of a street and I came home as fast as I could. Are you okay? Let me see it" Sarah said and pushed me a little bit back.

Her hand came up to my face and she pulled the ice pack away. She gasped when she saw my lip and her thumb stroked over the wound. "Why did she do it?" "I called her pathetic" I told Sarah and guided her to our living room. We sat down and I moved closer to her. She brought her arm around me and pulled me closer. "What did wanted from you?" "She said she wanted you back and that I only married you for my own career and am using you." I sighed and some tears slipped out of my eyes. Hollands words had hurt me more, than I wanted to accept.

"I know that this is not true, don't think else about it. We love each other and no one will ever come between us, I promise you this" Sarah said and kissed my head. I nodded and looked up to her. "I missed you Mrs. Paulson" I whispered and brushed my lips against hers. "I missed you too Mrs. Paulson" Sarah smiled and closed the gap between us. "How was your day my love?" I asked her and we leaned down onto the couch. "It was great, how was school?" "Like always." "Did they still stare at you?" "Not anymore" I giggled and listened to her heartbeat. The other guys at school were shocked when they heard that I was married to Sarah Paulson, but that quickly faded away when they got to know me better.

My life couldn't be better, but this right now here laying with Sarah on the couch and just cuddling and talking was what I'm living for. It was just perfect and felt like a dream.

Okay that's the last part of this story. I really enjoyed writing it. But I have a big heart, so feel free to text me request for this story, if you want and maybe I'm writing something for you ❤️
Love you guys 💞

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