Chapter Three

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The bell rang and all the others packed their bags. I sat on my chair and waited till everyone had left. Sarah sat on her chair and I stood up. "What now, Miss Paulson?" I looked down and fidget with my fingers. I didn't noticed that Sarah had got up and stood before me now. She laid her hand above mine and stopped my fidgeting. "You're not here to get punished." I looked up at her and narrowed my eyebrows. "Then what am I doing here?" I asked confused. "You're here because I want to get to know you better" she smiled. Great, now I'm even more confused. "Me? Why? You're a celebrity, it should be the other way around." Sarah laughed and motioned for me to sit down. I did and she sat next to me. "Okay, then ask me questions and I will answer." I thought about something for a few minutes.

I looked up at her and smiled. "How are you?" Sarah was clearly shocked at this question. "I'm honest with you, I didn't expect this question. But thanks for asking, I'm good. I'm great actually." I smiled. "How's Ms Taylor?" Sarah's eyes widened and her gaze got sad. "Is something wrong Miss Paulson?" I asked worried. "You don't know much about me, don't you?" she asked. I was confused again and said "What? Of course I know much about you, you're my favorite actress." "Then you would know that I'm not longer with Holland." My eyes widened and I felt embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. I really didn't know that, but to be honest I didn't like Holland." Sarah smiled lightly and took my hand. "It's okay. And please call me Sarah when we're not in class." "But we are in class" I laughed and Sarah nudged me. "You're terrible" Sarah laughed. My phone started buzzing and I quickly took it out of my pocket. "Shit, it's (Y/F/N)." I accepted the call and talked to her. "I'm still with Miss Paulson." I hummed and nodded. "Could you please tell her, I'm coming a bit later." "Thanks, see you soon."

I stood up and said frustrated "I need to go. I'm late for my next class." "What do you have" Sarah asked me and laid her hand on my shoulder. I looked at it and than at her eyes. "Art" I answered. "I'll come with, it's my fault your late after all." She smiled and squeezed my shoulder. I smiled back at her and we started walking. At the door, I knocked and hurried inside. Apologizing on my way to my desk, Sarah cut in. "It's my fault she's late, she had to stay back after my class." My art teacher just nodded and Sarah winked at me. I blushed and she walked away, closing the door.
"Am I the only one who gets nervous around her?" My art teacher asked us and we all laughed. We shook our heads and started with the lesson. Between those two art classes we had lunch break and I stood at my locker, scrolling through my social media accounts. "Hey babe" Oliver stood suddenly behind me and scared the shit out of me. I nearly let my phone fall to the floor and turned around. Pushing him away. "You can't do this Oliver! Don't sneak up on me" I yelled at him. "Oh wow, calm down. What's wrong with you?" He put his hands on my waist and leaned down to kiss me. My eyes landed on Sarah as she walked in our direction. "Hey (Y/N), can you come with me, please?" she said and walked past us. I quickly pulled away from Oliver's grasp and followed her. Catching up to her, I sighed. "Thank God" I whispered to myself. "Did he bothered you?" She asked me and guided me to her classroom. "He's my boyfriend" I sighed. Sarah stopped walking suddenly and I crashed into her. "I'm sorry" I murmured and stumbled backwards. "It was my fault, sorry" Sarah said and turned to me. "So your boyfriend, huh?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yep."

I looked down again, but Sarah laid her hand on my cheek and made me look up to her. "You didn't sound like you were happy." I sighed and looked over my shoulder. I saw that Oliver walked past the classroom and I closed the door with my foot. "No, I'm not happy. I can't breathe around him, he's annoying me so much. He's a lovely guy, but I can't be with him anymore." Some tears escaped my eyes and Sarah wiped them away. "Don't cry. I know it's hard to break up with someone, but if your not happy, then it's not good for you." She pulled me into a hug and stroked my back. "I will speak to him after school." I felt comfortable in Sarah's arms, but pulled out of the hug nonetheless. She's my teacher after all. You don't hug your teacher, it's not appropriate. "Thanks Sarah" I smiled up to her and walked out of the room.

"Everything for you" Sarah whispered as she watched me walking away.

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