Chapter Four

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After school had ended, I waited for Oliver in front of the school building. When he saw me, he walked straight to me. He tried to kiss me, but I stopped him. "We need to talk Oliver." He nodded and we walked to my car. I sat on my bonnet and started talking. "Oliver you're a really good guy and really lovely, but I can't breathe around you. I love you, but not romantically. Not anymore. I'm sorry, but if I want to be happy again I need to stop our relationship." Tears streamed down my face and I looked up at him. His face was pale and his eyes wide. "That's why you're so odd recently." I could only nod and he sighed. "Okay, then I should leave. Take care of yourself (Y/N)" he said and caressed my cheek. Oliver walked away and I cried harder. I held my head in my hands and sobbed.

Someone grabbed my hands and pulled me off of the bonnet. Arms went around my body and I looked up. It was Sarah. "What are you doing here?" I whispered. "I wanted to drive home, but I saw you and couldn't just leave. And I parked directly next to you." I eyed the car next to mine and saw the Audi from this morning. "That's your car?" She nodded and smiled. But her gaze turned worried again. "Are you okay sweetheart?" I nodded. "Yeah, I just talked to Oliver." Sarah smiled lightly at me and caressed my cheek. "Do you feel like you are able to drive home?" "Yes, but thanks for the offer." Sarah handed me a card and said "If you need anything, just call me." I took the card and shoved it into my pocket. "Thanks Sarah" I smiled at her and Sarah kissed my cheek. She got into her car and drove off. I stood there, shocked and touching my cheek. "What was that?" I asked myself. I pulled my phone out and texted my best friend.

I immediately drove home and pulled (Y/F/N) inside and up to my room

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I immediately drove home and pulled (Y/F/N) inside and up to my room. "What happened?" she asked curiously. "Sarah Paulson kissed me!" I nearly yelled. "What?" "I mean she kissed me on the cheek, but she kissed me." (Y/F/N)s eyes widened and she sat down on my bed, shocked. "Why did she do that?" "She saw me crying on my car and her car was parked next to mine. She hugged me and tried to cheer me up. Then she kissed me" I explained. "You cried?" she asked worried. "I talked to Oliver" I said, sitting down next to her. She immediately pulled me into a hug and said nothing. After some minutes, I remembered Sarah's card. "Oh and I got her phone number." "What?" I pulled the card out of my pocket and showed it to her. "You lucky bitch. You have Sarah fucking Paulson's number!" I smiled and nodded. "But I don't know why she kissed me." "Maybe she likes you" (Y/F/N) nudged my shoulder. "Shut up, she's my teacher. And remember that she only dates older women. Besides, I'm not even interested in women." "Mhm, yeah. Sure" she mumbled with a smile. I narrowed my eyebrows and punched her shoulder. She yelped and hit me back. "I think you should write Sarah and thank her." "For what?" "For taking care of you, you dumbass." I sighed and nodded. She gave me the card back and I grabbed my phone. Saving Sarah's number, I opened my messages.

I locked my phone and said "Okay I wrote her, happy?" "Not before I see her reply." I looked at her and mumbled "Yeah, as if she would reply." After some minutes my phone buzzed and (Y/F/N) grabbed it. She smiled brightly and said "She answered." "Give me my phone."

"She's totally into you" my best friend laughed next to me and I blushed. "I think you should go now." She laughed even more, but stood up. She grabbed her stuff and hugged me. "Don't be sad anymore. It was for the best, that you broke up with Oliver." I nodded and hugged her back. We said goodbye and I laid down on my bed.

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