Chapter Thirty two

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The next morning my whole torso was full with hickeys and I had scratch marks on my back from Sarah, which hurt a little bit. We had a lazy morning, because all we had to do today was meeting the cast and crew for a final round to ask some questions and maybe have a drink or two.

Sarah and I cuddled a little bit longer. While Sarah stroked my hair she whispered "We slowly need to get up." "Yeah slowly" I answered and snuggled closer to her. Sarah giggled and kissed my head. "You're impossible, but let's get up." She gave me one last kiss and wiggled out of my embrace. I huffed and rolled on my back. "You're so cruel" I shouted after her. She laughed, but didn't respond. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my social media accounts, but nothing interesting happened. I liked some posts from my friends and retweeted some tweets.

I heard that Sarah got out of the shower and I searched some clothes and joined her in the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror and applied some make-up. "You know, you look fantastic even without makeup " I said to her and kissed her cheek. "Thanks love." After I removed my clothes Sarah smacked my ass and I squealed. "Ssh, don't be so loud." I looked shocked at her and she giggled. "It's your fault asshole" I said smiling and went into the shower. Sarah turned her gaze back to the mirror and said "You know, I can't resist your ass. It's perfect to get smacked." I laughed. "Of course. I think you can't resist my whole body." "Guilty" she said and opened the shower door. I gasped because the cold air hit my warm body.

Her fingers caressed the scratches on my back and whispered "Does it hurt?" "A little bit yes" I answered and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't wanted to hurt you" she said. "It's okay, I enjoyed it." Sarah turned me around to her and her fingers caressed the spots of the hickeys. I got goosebumps and she smiled. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she stopped me. "Nope, you don't get a kiss until you're dry." She left me there and walked out of the bathroom.

"Sometimes I hate you" I yelled at her. "But you love me nonetheless" I heard her say and looked at myself in the mirror. "Yeah I really do" I whispered to myself. I shut down the shower and got out. I dried my body and got dressed.

"When do we have to go?" I asked Sarah after I rejoined her. She looked at her watch and said "Now." She came to me and laid her hands on my waist. "Last kiss for a few hours" she told me and leaned down to me. Her plump lips met mine and it's like the first time we kissed. I melted completely into her and circled my arms around her body.

We got interrupted with a knock on the door.

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