Chapter Eight

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I drove to my favorite place. It was the forest, close to the town and I always came here when I needed to calm down. The silence was calming and I just walked away from the noises of the world. I had a special spot in this forest. It was a huge tree, where I could climb up and watch the forest from above. And that's exactly what I did.

My mind wandered to Sarah and why she was so nice to me. As if she could feel it, my phone buzzed and I got a message from her.

"I really need to change that name" I said to myself, but didn't changed it

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"I really need to change that name" I said to myself, but didn't changed it. She was the Supreme, after all. The weather started to change and I climbed down. The last meters I got stuck on a branch and fell down. Something scratched my face and it started bleeding. "Great, just great" I murmured. My body hurts, but I stood up and walked to my car. I decided to drive to the Café and meet with Sarah. When I arrived I immediately spotted her car. I parked next to it and took a deep breath. My body hurts really bad, but luckily the bleeding stopped. But now I had a big wound on my cheek. I looked in my rear view mirror and combed with my hands through my hair.

After I got out of my car, I limped into the Café. Sarah rushed towards me, after I enter the little Café and immediately asked what happened. We sat down and I said "I fell off a tree." "What? Why were you on a tree?" Sarah grabbed my chin and looked at my wound. "I wanted to clear my mind" I mumbled. "Oh sweetheart, that wound really needs to get cleaned. Come with me." She helped me up and walked with me to the restroom. Her hands never leaving my waist, only when we stood in front of the sinks and grabbed some tissues. She cleaned the wound and brushed her fingers over my cheek. I tried to change my position and hissed. "Are you in pain?" she asked worried and I nodded. "Show me where." I pointed to my foot and my back and Sarah walked behind me. She pushed my jeans jacket down and grabbed the hem of my pullover. "May I?" I could only nod. She pushed it up and gasped. Bruises were forming on my back and Sarah brushed her hand above it. Tears formed in my eyes and I held a sob back. She pushed my pullover back down and told me to sit on the sink. I did as I was told and Sarah carefully took my shoe off. My feet was already swollen and Sarah whispered "I think it's sprained. You need to see a doctor." Sarah stood up again and locked eyes with me. "Let me drive you to the hospital" she whispered and I nodded. I wanted to stand up again, but Sarah stopped me. I looked up at her and she leaned in. "Don't ever climb up a tree again" she whispered and kissed my lips.

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