Chapter Thirty Seven

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I felt pressure on my thigh and someone held my hand. My eyes fluttered open and I had to adjust to the bright light in the room. I looked down and saw Sarah's head laying on my thigh. My hand reached for it and stroked some strands of hair off her face. "Sarah" I whispered and waited. Sarah's eyes opened slowly and when she realized I was awake she gasped. "Oh my God (Y/N) you're awake. I was so scared" she said and began to cry. She peppered my face with feather light kisses, avoiding the wounds. Her tears landed on my face and I asked quietly "What happened?" "Don't you remember?" she asked me and I shook my head.

"You were on your way to my home and some asshole crashed into your car. You landed upside down and was brought to the hospital. Your parents called me and told me what happened. I immediately came to the hospital and when I saw you I nearly fainted. Sweetheart I was so scared that I would lose you. The doctors said you had such luck. You could have broken your neck, but they said some Guardian Angel had watched over you. You still have some broken ribs and your arm and leg are broken too. Oh and you have a concussion. I'm so happy you're awake. I love you so much. I'm sorry if I talk to much" Sarah cried so much that I started crying too.

"Sarah please hold me. I was so scared, that I'm going to die" I whispered and she did it. She was very careful not to hurt me. "How long was I unconscious?" I asked her and absorbed her warmth. I inhaled deeply and her wonderful perfume invaded me. Sarah didn't answered at first, but then she said "A week." I gasped and drew back "What?" Sarah nodded and wiped her tears away. "That's why we all thought we would lose you. The doctors said it's possible that you have internal injuries, but they weren't sure and they couldn't operate you without hurting you more." I cried so hard that my breathing stopped for a second. I gulped for air and Sarah put her hands on my cheek. "Calm down, breathe with me. In and out. In and out" Sarah said and breathed with me. I calmed down and she kissed me.

Just in that moment the door opened and my parents walked in with my principal. My eyes widened at the sight of him and I quickly looked at Sarah. "He knows" Sarah sighed and I looked confused. "How?" I asked quietly. "He got suspicious when I was a mess at work and couldn't function properly. That's why he ordered me to a private meeting and I told him about our relationship." My body shook with fear and I felt pressure on my hand. I looked up and saw that it was him. "It's okay. Sarah's not fired and I'm okay with your relationship, but you could have talked to me when it started. It's not illegal and I noticed something was off between you to a long time ago."

"Sorry" was all I said and he squeezed my hand lightly. He and Sarah stepped back a little and made place for my parents. My mother hugged me and my dad kissed my hand. "We were so worried" my mother cried and I apologized. "Don't! It wasn't your fault. That bastard who did this to you got arrested. He was drunk when he crashed into your car." I nodded and closed my eyes. I got a immense headache and everything I heard was dull.

I opened my eyes for a second, locked them with Sarah and I whispered her name, then I went unconscious again.

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