Chapter Twenty nine

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"She's my student and I won't let you hurt her" Sarah yelled at her and Ryan stood between them. "Okay ladies enough! Holland I think you should leave." Holland huffed and rolled with her eyes. "Bitch" I whispered behind Sarah as Holland walked past us. Unfortunately for me, she heard it and slapped me. I gasped at the sudden contact and held my cheek. It hurts really bad and Holland was dragged outside of the room by the security, who had entered the room just in time.

Ryan, our principal and Sarah stood in front of me and looked worried at me. I blinked the tears away and held the sob back that wanted to escape. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Ryan asked me and I shook my head. "It hurts so much" I whispered back and my principal said "Sarah could you maybe take care of her?" Sarah nodded and took my hand. "Come with me (Y/N)."

We walked past the others, but (Y/F/N) stopped us and laid her hand on my elbow. "Everything okay? Should I come with you?" I smiled at her, but shook my head. "It's okay, I'm in good hands. Besides I need someone who tells me everything what had happened when I'm not around." She laughed and nodded. Sarah and I walked away and she said "Come, I'll take you to my trailer." "You still have a trailer? Even when you're most of the time at school?" Sarah giggled and nodded "Sure, why not? I'm still on the show, after all."

We stood before her trailer and she opened the door. Inside Sarah touched my hand which still holds my cheek. "Let me see it." I took my hand away and showed her my cheek. She gasped and whispered "I could kill her. She slapped you so hard, I can still see her handprint." Her fingers ghosted above the bruise. "Yeah it hurts pretty bad and it stings" I told her and she handed me an ice pack. "I'm so sorry love" Sarah said and kissed my forehead. I sat down on her couch and answered "It's okay. It was my own fault" "I shouldn't let her near you." "It's okay Sar, don't worry too much about it" I told her and she nodded.

Sarah sat next to me and laid her arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into her side and she played with my hair. "Do you need anything?" "No, just you" I whispered and closed my eyes. The pain made me tired and I just wanted to sleep a little bit. Sarah noticed it and whispered "It's okay, sleep a little bit. I'm here with you." My hand that didn't hold the ice pack, touched her stomach under her shirt and I fell asleep. I needed to feel her skin, it's the only way I could feel safe.

I was still asleep and Sarah scrolled through her social media accounts, when someone knocked on her door.


Since I really loved your comments on the last chapter, I thought I could post another one today. Hope you like it.

Much love 💕

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