Chapter Forty

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I'm sooooo sorry, I uploaded the wrong chapter. I came from work and I am always a little bewildered after that. Thanks for the reminder 💕

Sarah came closer to me and leaned down. Her lips met mine and electricity shot through my body. I melted into the kiss and my hand sneaked around her neck. She drew back for air and whispered "And?" I looked down and shook my head "Nothing, but I am sure that I was in love with you and still am. My whole body was electrified, when you kissed me." Sarah smiled lightly and I asked "Can we kiss again, please?" "You never have to ask my love" she said and kissed me again. It felt so nice that I didn't wanted to stop, but the door opened again and this time it were my parents who enter the room, with someone else.

"(Y/N)" the girl gasped and ran to me. She carefully hugged me and avoided my broken bones. "You look horrible, please say you remember me! Your parents told me everything. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you earlier, it was all so hectic and confusing. It's so horrible at school without you. I missed you so much. How are you feeling? Is it uncomfortable with those things in your body? Your beautiful hair is destroyed." I laughed and said "Stop talking and take a breathe. At first I couldn't remember you, but I remembered your nonstop talking and the rest flooded my brain." "What's my name then" she asked. "(Y/F/N)" I said and she squealed. My parents smiled and I saw Sarah looking sadly to the ground. My chest filled with guilt and sadness, as I looked at Sarah's face.

My mom interrupted my thoughts and I looked at her "The doctors gave the okays to bring you home, but as much as I would love to have you with us again, I think you should go with Sarah." Our gazes met and I saw Sarah's scared look. I smiled and said "I would love that." She let out a deep sigh and smiled. "Thank God" she whispered and closed her eyes for a moment.

A nurse came into the room with a wheelchair and I gasped "I'm not going to sit in that thing the whole time." They all laughed at me and my father said "It's the standard procedure. You will get wheeled out of here and then you have to walk with a crutch and someone on your side to steady you, we know that you would protest. Since your arm and leg are broken, it's too difficult for you to walk with two crutches." "And you need to be observed the whole time. 24/7 young lady" the nurse said sternly and motioned for me to sit down. I huffed and sat down, but not without complaining. Sarah laughed at this and I smiled too at the sound of her laugh. The nurse wheeled me out of the hospital and the others followed us.

In front of the building Sarah asked my mother "Is it really okay for you if (Y/N) comes with me? I'm sure you want to have her with you." My mother placed her hand on Sarah's cheek and said "Darling it is okay, she needs to remember you and the wonderful time you two had together. It's all horrible enough, but the thought of you two separated breaks my heart and I really want to see my baby happy again." Sarah hugged her and came to me. She gave me the crutch and helped me standing up. "Bye sweetie" my mother gave me a kiss and (Y/F/N) squeezed my hand. My dad smiled at me and said goodbye too. Sarah helped me into her car and made sure the safety belt was in its place. When she sat down in the driver's seat she turned to me and leaned over. She kissed me softly and whispered "I love you so much sweetheart." "I love you too Sar" I smiled and she drove off. A tear slipped down her face and I asked her whats going on. "It's the first time since this whole dilemma that you called me Sar" she whispered and wiped the tears away.

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