Chapter Nine

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I was too shocked to react. My brain stopped working and my heart pumped faster. Neither of us said a word, after Sarah drew back. She grabbed our stuff and helped me to her car. We drove to the hospital and I looked out the window the whole time. My brain didn't stopped rambling.

What was that? Why did she kissed me? She's my teacher! I'm not even interested in women, but why did my body react like it did? What's happening with me?

I was so occupied with my thoughts, that I didn't notice that we arrived at the hospital. Sarah laid her hand on my knee and got my attention. "Stay seated" she whispered and got out of the car. She walked to my side and opened the door for me. She helped me out and closed the door. We walked inside the hospital and searched for a nurse. After we found one, Sarah told her what happened.

It took nearly two hours for everything. My feet was bandaged, I got crutches and they even bandaged my back. Oh and they stitched my cheek. I was so frustrated and tired, that I only wanted to go home and lay down on my bed. Sarah held my hand throughout the process, but didn't said a word. "What about my car?" I asked after I sat in her car again. "I forgot about that. Maybe your parents could get it?" She said and I nodded. "You're probably right."

I looked out the window and my fingers ghosted over my lips, remembering the kiss. The car stopped and I saw my home in front of us. Before Sarah could get out I asked "Why did you kiss me?" Sarah frowned and turned to me. She blushed and answered "I.. I like you." I looked at her and narrowed my eyes. She grabbed my hand, but I pulled back. "You're my teacher, Miss Paulson" I said and got out of the car. She ran after me and tried to catch me, but even with crutches I was immensely fast. I knocked on our door and my mother opened it. She gasped and asked what happened, but I shook my head and walked upstairs to my room. Before I closed the door I heard Sarah telling my mom what happened and that she drove me to the hospital.

Later that day, my phone buzzed and I hoped it was (Y/F/N), but it wasn't. I texted (Y/F/N) earlier what had happened and waited for her response, but she was probably busy. I looked at my display and groaned.

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