Chapter Eighteen

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I took a step back, realizing where we were and Sarah smiled apologetically. I grabbed my bag and said "See you tomorrow Ms. Paulson." As I reached the door she said quickly "Actually, do you want to come to my house?" "Really?" Sarah nodded nervously and bit her lip. I stared at her lip and nodded. "My parents aren't home anyway." Sarah smiled and came to me. "Where are your crutches by the way?" she asked me and steadied me. "At home, maybe? They're so annoying and I'm sick of it." "You barely can walk without them! How did you get to school this morning?"

We walked to her car and I told her that my neighbor drove me this morning. I stumbled and nearly knocked us both down. "You are impossible (Y/N)" Sarah said frustrated and helped me into her car. "I know, but I'm not sorry" I answered her and she couldn't stop the smile that was tugging at her lips. After she was in it too I said "and besides, now I have an excuse to lean on you." "Oh babe" Sarah sighed and I tensed immediately. She noticed it and asked me what was wrong. "Nothing" I mumbled and stared out the window. Sarah tried to talk to me, but I shut her down. "It's okay Sarah, just drive us home."

We arrived at her house and she helped me again. Inside I looked around and was impressed. It was beautiful. We went into her living room and sat down on the couch. "Talk to me. What's wrong?" I bit down on my lip and murmured "I just hate that nickname." "What was that? Sweetheart you need to speak clearly" Sarah told me and took my hand. "I hate that nickname" I said louder. "Which one?" "Babe. I know it's ridiculous. It's just a nickname." Sarah kissed my cheek and said "No it's not, it's okay. I won't call you babe again, if you're not comfortable with it than I will stop.." "Thanks Sar, or how Miss Venable would say: Don't ever call me babe" I smirked at her and sneaked my arms around her body. She laughed and kissed my head.

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