Chapter Thirty-one

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This evening my friends and I sat in the hotel bar and talked about our time at the American Horror Story set. "I'm so thankful for this opportunity" Jasmine said to us and took a sip of her drink. "Yeah it still feels like a dream for me. Even that Sarah Paulson is our teacher now" I said to the girls and swirled the straw in my glass. "Yeah that's so awesome. But it's a pity that Evan Peters isn't here" (Y/F/N) said. "As if you had a chance with him" Jasmine said and I spit my Cosmopolitan out. I laughed so hard that I drew attention to our table and apologized. "Haha really funny assholes" (Y/F/N) said and smirked wickedly at me. My eyes widened and I shook my head. I knew what she wanted to do, but I hoped she wouldn't say it. "Why are you laughing? You have a huge crush on our teacher" she said and Jasmine looked at me. "What? Who?" I blushed and I tried to held my hand over (Y/F/N)s mouth, but she pulled herself free. (Y/F/N) said quickly "Ms. Paulson." Jasmine giggled and then we heard "Oh really? Interesting."

We turned around and Sarah stood there. She smirked at us and her eyes sparkled. "You're screwed" Jasmine said to me and I answered "You have no idea." Sarah's eyes sparkled towards me and I pulled my shirt a little bit up on the arms. "Is it hot in here?" I mumbled and Jasmine and (Y/f/N) giggled. "I think we should drink up and head to our rooms" I suggested with red cheeks and the girls agreed after some convincing.

"See you later Ms. Paulson" I said to her and walked up to our room. Jasmine and (Y/F/N) giggled the whole way to the rooms and I rolled my eyes smiling. "She really heard that" Jasmine giggled, "and you share a room with her. You are really screwed." "Good Night girls" I laughed and went into my room, leaving them alone in the hallway.

It was an hour later, when I heard the door open. Sarah walked in and came straight to me. I laid on the bed with my phone in one hand and scrolled through social media. She took it and laid it on the nightstand. She sat on top of me and said "I heard you have a crush on me." I smirked and said "Really? I don't know what you mean or talking about." My hands grabbed her waist and she leaned down. "Oh yeah and I noticed how you stare at me, little girl." Sarah kissed my neck and I whispered "Don't leave a hickey, it would be too obvious, after the girls heard I have a crush on you." "Who said I will leave a hickey on your neck" she whispered and pulled my shirt off my body. She dragged my bra a little bit to the side and sucked on my breast. "Now it is a crush, yeah?" she asked while she sucked on my breast. "More than a crush, you have no idea" I whispered and grabbed her hair.

I couldn't stop the moans and Sarah placed her hand above my mouth. "Be quiet, or I will stop."

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