Chapter Thirty Four

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This chapter is a little bit longer, I hope you like it 💕

It was like a meet and greet with the cast and crew of American Horror Story. We sat in a circle and asked all of them questions. Jasmine had a question for Sarah, but hesitated to ask her. "Go on Jasmine, ask me anything" Sarah smiled at her. "Are you really in a relationship again? We overheard your conversation with Ms. Taylor." I saw that Sarah's jaw clenched and her eyes widened slightly. She didn't looked at me, because it would be suspicious and answered "Yes I am in a relationship again, but with whom is not important, not yet anyways." "Are you happy?" Jasmine asked again. Sarah smiled widely before she answered. "Oh yes, I am very happy. She makes me feel good and is so important for me, she makes me feel alive and doesn't sees me as the actress, but as a normal person. I can't imagine what I would do without her." I couldn't hide my smile anymore at Sarah's words and I had tears in my eyes, but that wasn't suspicious because all of us smiled at her. "It's important for us all that you're happy again. We don't like to see you sad or get hurt" (Y/F/N) said and touched my hand softly. "Thanks (Y/F/N), that's really nice of you." "Thanks" I whispered to her and squeezed her hand.

Ryan interrupted us and said that we should go to a little bar he reserved for us. We agreed happily and followed him. It didn't take us long to arrive at the bar and went inside.

It was a bit uncomfortable because of our suitcases, but after we could place them in the manager's office it was great. We were there for an hour and it was really hot inside. Some of us danced a lot or spoke with the cast. I danced the whole time and needed some fresh air. I walked through the back door and leaned against the wall. After 10 minutes Sarah walked outside and whispered through the night air "(Y/N)?" "I'm here" I said quietly and looked at her. My eyes followed her movements and smiled when she pulled me into a hug. "You okay? What are you doing here?" "It's too hot in there and I needed some fresh air." "You danced the whole time, it's logical that you are hot." Sarah kissed my head and I whispered "I didn't said that I'm hot." "But you are, I watched you the whole time and that outfit isn't helping." I smirked and answered "Now you know how I feel in school." "Yeah definitely. You're irresistible sweetheart" she whispered and kissed me.


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pulled back a little bit and looked up at her. "I would really like to dance with you. A slow dance, where I can hold you close." She smiled and kissed me. "I know, I would love that too. But we can't. Maybe when you're at mine, we can dance together." "I would love that." She kissed me again and pulled back. "Would you like to sleep at mine today when we arrive at home?" I smiled apologetic at her and answered "I would love to, but I really missed my parents and they want to pick me up." She nodded and stroked my cheek. Her hand left it and she turned around and walked back inside.

"I think I screwed it up" I whispered to myself, but I really wanted to see my parents and sleep in my own bed.

I entered the bar again and searched for Sarah, but my eyes landed on a boy who was slightly familiar to me. I studied him and gasped. It was my ex boyfriend Ben, with who I didn't separated happy. His eyes found mine and he narrowed his eyebrows. "What the hell? What are you doing here you little bitch?" I didn't answered and tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed my arm and held it tightly. "You're hurting me Ben" I said with tears in my eyes. Since we broke up I tried to get out of his way, but it seems like I couldn't always escape him. "What did you say? I can't hear you" he yelled and tightened his grip. "You're hurting me you asshole" I yelled back and drew attention to us.

I noticed how unsteady Ben was on his legs and feared the worst. He pulled me towards his body and slapped me. "Shut your mouth you little bitch." After that he hit my head on the bar counter and I could feel the blood streaming out of my nose. "Get your hands off of her, you filthy Bastard" someone yelled and pushed him away from me. It was one of the crew members and he wrestled Ben down to the ground. I felt sick and stumbled backwards, but before I could hit the ground, hands sneaked around my body and held me. "I got you" I heard and turned my head to the side. It was Sarah who catched me. "Thanks" I mumbled and closed my eyes for a moment. "Hey (Y/N) look at me! Don't close your eyes." I nodded and looked at her. She walked me to the managers office and took a look at my face. After the door closed Sarah immediately kissed me and studied my face. She had tears in her eyes and tried hard to let them not flow down.

"Who was this?" she asked worried and pressed something cold against my nose. "My ex boyfriend. It doesn't went well with him." "What happened between you two?" "I put him in jail, because he was violent towards me. He hit me all the time and did more things I didn't want to talk about." Sarah nodded and pressed a light kiss against my lips.

"How do I look?" I asked her quietly. Sarah chewed her lips and said "Not good. Your nose isn't broken, but you have a black eye." I sighed and leaned against her body. "I hate this trip. I can't wait to be home again" I whispered and sobbed. "I'm sorry." "Don't be, it's not your fault my love. I had a great time with you, but this whole trip made more damage to my body, then I expected" I whispered and someone opened the door. We leaned back from each other and looked at the door. It was our principal. "Everything okay?" he asked and I nodded. "We need to get back home. Are you sure I shouldn't call an ambulance?" "I'm sure. Is he still in there?" He shook his head and answered "No, we called the police and they took him with them." Sarah and me sighed and stood up. "Thank God" I whispered and walked out of this damn bar.

It was after midnight when we arrived at our school building. My parents where there as promised and I hugged them. Sarah walked past us and I said after her "Good Night Ms. Paulson. Sleep well." She looked back at me and nodded. "You too." She was still a little bit angry at me that I didn't want to sleep at hers. I could feel it.

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